
How to sign and create .IPA files for iOS apps with a simple script using xcodebuild. Support multiple configurations.

Primary LanguageSwift


An app for demonstrating signing iOS apps on the command line using xcodebuild.


These instructions have been tested against Xcode 9.2

  • checkout SigningTestApp project from Github

  • Open and search project for 'DEVELOPMENT_TEAM'. It'll be set to ' YOURTEAMHERE'. Replace with your Apple Team ID

  • from Terminal/Finder, from the project folder

  • modify exportOptions/store.plist * "teamID":"YOURTEAMHERE". Replace with your Apple Team ID * provisioningProfiles. Map your bundle ID to your provisioning profile name. Replace BUNDLE_ID, PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME with your app store build information

  • modify exportOptions/adhoc.plist * "teamID":"YOURTEAMHERE". Replace with your Apple Team ID * provisioningProfiles. Map your bundle ID to your provisioning profile name. Replace BUNDLE_ID, PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME for your adhoc build information

  • Modify or delete xcConfig files to match your setup. You'll need to choose a product name, bundle ID and provisioning profile


from your root project, run ./build.sh [Debug|Staging|Release]


.ipa file created in ./build folder in root of project