
⏰ A cue utility for HTML5 video

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


travis codecov version license

A cue utility for HTML5 video


npm install --save video-cues



import { CueList } from 'video-cues';

let video = document.getElementById('video');
let cueList = CueList.create(video);

cueList.add(['25%', '50%', '75%'], (cue) => {
    // cue.offset
    // track progress or start midroll ad


Creates a new cue list.

Param video HTMLVideoElement The video element to trigger cue points.
Returns Object

.add(offsets, handler)

Adds cue points to the list.

Param offsets Array Values representing the progress required to trigger a cue point. Either a number of seconds, or a percentage as a string.
Param handler Function The function to call when a cue point is triggered.


Removes cue points with the given offsets. All cue points are removed if no argument is passed.

Param offsets Array A list of offsets as a number of seconds, or a percentage as a string.


Gets the offsets of all cue points.

Returns Array


Disables all cue points.


Enables all cue points.


Resets the triggered state of all cue points.


Clears the the cue list and removes all event listeners.
