

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


snorkel is a real time data analysis tool, meant to answer questions about the now.

Quick Start

0) get it running

git clone snorkel.git

# install node (>= 0.8) and mongo-db (>= 2.2)

# get the code and dependencies for snorkel
cd snorkel/snorkel
npm install

# helper for restarting the server when js files change
npm install -g nodemon

# edit your config
# make sure to enable proxy mode and set the hostname, if applicable
cp config/config.js config/local/my_dev_env.js

# create some self signed SSL certs

# setup your user (creates config/users.htpasswd with basic http auth)

# start in development mode
ENV=local/my_dev_env nodemon app.js

1a) generate some fake data

# add 100,000 samples to a fake dataset
open http://localhost:3000/data/generate?n=100000

1b) put your datas in it

$.post("/data/import", {
  dataset: "mysql",
  subset: "slow_queries",
  samples: JSON.stringify([ // that's right, you send a JSON stringified array of samples at a time
      integer: {
        'query_duration': 500,
        'query_count' : 10,
        // this sample is actually emitted on 1 / 1000 requests,
        // so we give it a 'weight' of 1000 or sample_rate of 1000
        'weight' : 1000, 
      string: {
        'table' : 'a_mysql_table',
        'query_str' : 'select * from <TABLE>;',
        'host' : 'mysql001'
      set: {
        'flags' : [
          'foo', 'bar', 'baz'

2) know your data

open http://localhost:3000 in your browser and get started :-)

3) expand your data

# bump the capped collection size to 200MB
scripts/change_collection_size.sh test/data 200