
The DocumentDb Driver for Azure Mobile Apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Azure Mobile Apps DocumentDb Driver

This contains the Azure Mobile Apps DocumentDb Driver for the Node SDK.

Configuring via App Settings

Set a Connection String called MS_DocumentDbConnectionString to the connection string of your DocumentDb instance. This is found in the Keys section of the DocumentDb resource.

Configuring in azureMobile.js

Here is an example azureMobile.js file:

var docdb = require('azure-mobile-apps-documentdb-driver');
var winston = require('winston');

module.exports = {
    data: {
        provider: docdb,
        host: '<the url to your documentdb instance>',
        accountKey: '<the account key for your documentdb instance>'

    logging: {
        level: 'silly',
        transports: [
            new winston.transports.Console({ colorize: true, timestamp: true })

Configuring in code

You can configure within the your code as well, like this:

const mobile = zumo({
    data: {
        provider: require('azure-mobile-apps-documentdb-driver')

This is useful when configuring via App Settings as you still have to tell the server to use the driver!

Other Options in the data object

  • database: 'AzureMobile',
  • connectionPolicy: undefined,
  • consistencyLevel: 'Session',
  • pricingTier: 'S1'

These have specific meanings within DocumentDb. They have the same meanings here.