
Primary LanguageShell


This is a repository which helps to setup a fresh development/personal Mac. It consists of automated scripts which install all the necessary apps for a development environment.


In order to run the automated script, we need some development related dependencies on the machine. Install XCode in order to install everything that's necessary to start the automation script.

xcode-select --install

How to use

  • git clone git@bitbucket.org:sarneeh/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
  • cd ~/.dotfiles
  • ./install

Post-install configuration

Some of the installed apps need to be manually configured as the process can't be automated. Here's a description of the necessary configurations:


Set global hotkeys for 1Password:

  • Show Quick Access: cmd + option + \


To install docker, it's bet to use the Docker Desktop application as installing it via brew comes with some issues.

Download Docker Desktop.


First, you need to turn off the default Mac Spotlight keyboard shortcut:

  1. System preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts
  2. Select Spotlight
  3. Deselect all spotlight shortcuts

Now, we can run Raycast and configure it:

  1. Run Raycast
  2. Setup the default keyboard shortcut
  3. Import preferences and data from src/backup.rayconfig


  1. Import the src/iterm.json profile configuration into iTerm app and make it the default profile.
  2. Import the src/iterm.itermkeymap keymap configuration overwriting the existing ones.
  3. Set the preferences folder to ~/.dotfiles/src
  4. Set the global hotkey option + space

Plugins / settings
