Django Test Utilities

Django Test Utilities is a small suite which brings additional useful funcationality to testing Django applications

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Install with pip from pypi:

pip install django-test-utilities

Or from github:

pip install git+

TestCase and TestCaseExtensionMixin

The simplest way to get started is to extend the Test Utilities TestCase when writing your own tests

from test_utilities import TestCase

class SampleTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

TestCase extends TestCaseExtensionMixin, the default Django TestCase and uses the provided test Client.

TestCaseExtensionMixin provides few new assertion methods and a method for getting a reusable Django session.

.assertMessageCount(response, expect_num)

Asserts that the response context contains exactly expect_num messages.

self.assertMessageCount(response, 3)

.assertMessageContains(response, text[, level])

Asserts that the response context contains at lease one message containing text. Failure output contains a list of actual messages in the context. level can optionally be one of 'success', 'error', 'info', 'warning', or 'debug' to confirm that any messages found are of the correct log level, with a failure indicating the log level of the match. Multiple matches will also raise a failure as indicator that you may not be checking for specific enough text, which could result in false positives otherwise.

self.assertMessageContains(response, 'completed successfully', 'success')

.assertMessageNotContains(response, text)

As the opposite of assertMessageContains, this asserts that the response does not contain any messages containing the specified text.

self.assertMessageNotContains(response, 'failed to submit')

.assertNotFormError(response, form, field)

Django provides assertFormError. This asserts that response doesn't contains any errors on the field of the form specified.

self.assertNotFormError(response, 'signup_form', 'address1')


.login_as([user], [username], [password], [permissions], args, kwargs)

This is a shortcut to create an active django user and logging that user in to the client. If an existing user is provided, that user is logged in, otherwise a new user object is created using the username, password, and all remaining args and kwargs provided being passed directly to the User model. A list of Django permissions can also be provided in the format 'app_name.code_name'. The user that is created is returned, or an assertion is raised it the user cannot be logged in.

    username='bob', email='', is_staff=True,
    permissions=['auth.change_user', 'my_app.add_example'])


Setting and checking session values with Django test clients is sometimes a pain. This will get the current client session, or create it if it doesn't exist. You can then set session attributes and assert their values.

session = self.client.get_session()
session['pages_viewed'] = 5

# Get a view that modifies the session
response = self.client.get('/example_page/')

self.assertEqual(session['pages_viewed'], 6)

Other Utilities

QuerySetFromIter([objects], [model], args, kwargs)

This is a utility for generating a queryset from an interator, most commonly helpful when using tool like model_mommy to generate model instances. Providing a list or tuple of objects will create a queryset of those objects in that order and insure that any further queryset manipulations will be executed against only those items. If a model is not provided, it will be detected from the first item. All items must be instances of the same Model. If a model and no objects are provided it will return an empty queryset of that model.

magazines = [self.mag1, self.mag3, self.mag2]
mqs = QuerySetFromIter(magazines, Magazine)

books = mommy.make('my_app.Book', author='Jimmy Joe', _quantity=3)
bqs = QuerySetFromIter(books)

add_user_permissions(user, permissions)

Django doesn't have a quick way to setup permissions on existing users. This function looks up the permissions provied and adds all of them to the user provided.

    user1, permissions=['auth.change_user', 'my_app.add_example'])


Copyright 2013 Jeremy Satterfield

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.