
Opening VSCode to file type doesn't apply set theme...

chilidad opened this issue · 3 comments

Windows OS...
Custom theme set to ".java" file type
Opening myfile.java via command prompt, or by shortcut only displays the default theme. Correct them applies only when de-focusing and re-focusing myfile.java in vscode explorer.

How do I make your extension refresh as soon as VSCode opens so that the correct theme gets applied to whatever file I opened from outside VSCode?

Thanks for the feedback.

I think this may have to do with when custom themes are applied. Right now, I check for window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(). It is possible that when vscode is opened, the extension is not yet activated and does not receive the event. Maybe the extension should check the current file when activated. I'll take a look.

Indeed, when the extension is activated, it did not receive the event for window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor().
When activated, the extension now checks the active editor.