
quik - mispelt script for deploying vps' quickly

Primary LanguageShell

quik - mispelt script for deploying vps' quickly


git clone https://github.com/jsav0/quik


  • doctl : official cli for the Digital Ocean API
  • vultr : official cli for the Vultr API

If you intend to couple quik with my playbooks, drist is needed

  • drist : drist is a tool to configure remote servers in an Unix way.
    • git clone git://bitreich.org/drist && sudo make install


Use the provided makefile to install to /usr/local/bin/

sudo make install

Or just copy quik to the $PATH of your choice.

quik currently supports deployment with the following VPS providers:

  • Digital Ocean using doctl, auth via $DO_TOKEN
  • Vultr using vultr, auth via VULTR_API_KEY

quik is a script for deploying vps' quickly

  quik <command>
  quik <provider> <command> <options>

quik commands:
  ls		list servers
  rm		remove servers

  doctl		Digtal Ocean
  vultr		Vultr

provider commands:
  deploy	deploy servers
  rm		remove servers
  ls		list servers

  quik doctl deploy 1gb 10 void-linux	deploy 10 instances running void linux


  • add self expiry (self-destruct) option for instances (in progress, see self-destruct playbook)
  • add regions for user selection or randomization (done, but some regions are restricted, code commented out)


ALL PLAYBOOKS HAVE BEEN MOVED TO: jsav0/drist-playbooks
They may be coupled with quik to automate full deployments
Some playbooks require my modified version of drist to copy the files back to the local machine.

  • example playbooks for the following purposes:
    • offensive hacking (wfnintr/darkvoid)
    • .onion generator (wfnintr/mkonions)
    • tor relay (wfnintr/tor-bridge)
    • wireguard (wfnintr/wireguard-scripts)
    • xinetd (httpd, gopher, git)
    • irc bots and daemons
    • target recon
    • subdomain enumeration
    • port scanning in parallel
    • more


  • haydenh
  • Evelyn Martin

More are welcome.

Join us in:

  • irc.nebulacentre.net [channel #general]
  • irc.hlirc.net [channel #hlircnet]

Digital Ocean API Key

To obtain a Digital Ocean API Key, you can sign up with my referral link. (free $100 credit)