A splash screen will be sent to all players that lasts 5 seconds
Activate the splash screen via 3 methods:
Token HUD
Actor Directory Context Menu
* Displays a splash screen with the Actor Image and Text
* Any options not included will use their default values from the module settings.
* If options message and actorImg are both included you do not need a target actor of selected token.
* @param {string} actor id of actor.
* @param {string} sound Path to an audio file to be played when splash screen is rendered.
* @param {string} colorFirst Hex value for the color of the top bar in the banner.
* @param {string} colorSecond Hex value for the color of the middle bar in the banner.
* @param {string} colorThird Hex value for the color of the middle bar in the banner.
* @param {string} colorFont Hex value for the text color of the message.
* @param {string} subColorFont Hex value for the text color of the subText.
* @param {string} colorShadow Hex value for the drop shadow color of the message.
* @param {string} subColorShadow Hex value for the drop shadow color of the subText.
* @param {string} message The message to be rendered in the color bar. {{actor.name}} and {{token.name}} will be replaced with the appropate name
* @param {string} subText The sub message to be rendered in the second color bar.
* @param {string} fontFamily Font Family name for the message.
* @param {string} fontSize CSS accepted Size of font.
* @param {string} subFontSize CSS accepted Size of font for subText.
* @param {string} actorImg Path to an image to display on the banner.
* @param {number} timer Number of miliseconds for splash screen to be rendered.
* @param {number} animationDuration Number of seconds to complete the slide in animation.
* @param {number} animationDelay Number of miliseconds to delay the animation
* @param {string} video Path to video file for splash screen.
* @param {bool} fill Stretch video to full screen. defaults false
* @param {bool} close Closes open overlay for all players.
let options = {
actor: null,
sound: null,
colorFirst: null,
colorThird: null,
colorFont: null,
subColorFont: null,
colorShadow: null,
subColorShadow: null,
message: null,
subText: null,
fontFamily: null,
fontSize: null,
subFontSize: null,
actorImg: null,
timer: null,
animationDuration: null,
animationDelay: null,
video: null,
fill: false,
close: null
Splash currently selected Token's Actor
Splash A specific Actor
Splash the currently selected Token with all black bars
Splash specific art and message
game.bossSplash.splashBoss({message:"Valeros The Mighty!", actorImg:"modules/pf2e-beginner-box/assets/portraits-heroes/iconics/valeros-2.webp"})
Open boss splash with no dismisal timer
Close all open splash screens for all players
Use a video splash