
Personal Portfolio site, Re-amped using Angular2+ and AngularBootstrap-MD. Customized for myself, made from scratch.

Primary LanguageCSS


Author Jose Ramirez:

Additional Dependencies Added:

  • Angular Bootstrap With Material Design
    -Detailed set up with Angular Material Design MD can Be found at NPM website: Link - https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular-bootstrap-md

  • wow.js for animations
    -added following import to the index.html file animations to fire when scrolling.
    -This is added in the header of indeex.hmtl
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/wow/1.1.2/wow.min.js"></script> -This is added before the closing </body> tag inside your index.html file after the AngularBootstrap MD above has been properly.

    new WOW().init();

(as of 03/05/18 Hopefully this is fixed later)

  • ng2-smooth-scroll
    -A pure-javascript library and set of directives to scroll smoothly to an element with easing. This can be done component to component to build a very smooth feel when navigating to elements on the same page. -Detailed set up with for angular project and documentation can be found at NPM website: Link - https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-smooth-scroll

  • Using NPM hamburgers - with Angular Bootstrap-MD
    -Hamburgers is a collection of tasty CSS-animated hamburger icons. Also included is the source as a Sass library. It’s modular and customizable, so cook up your own hamburger. -Detailed installation can be found in NPM website: simply used the CSS file provided, set it in the global styles.scss file in my project. Then used the appropriate hamburger-type class in the html of desired component : Link to doc - https://www.npmjs.com/package/hamburgers

* Note to have hamburbers work with Angular Bootstrap-MD:* Start by Taking off the ^ away symbol from your angular-bootstrap-md dependency your the package.json file:

"dependencies": {
   "angular-bootstrap-md": "^5.2.2", <========== should not have the ^ Take it OFF 

Steps taken to have it work with Angular Bootstrap MD ` 1. set CSS Hamburger Styles in `styles.scss`
2. Locate your `node_modules --> angular-bootstrap-md` directory and copy it to your `src` directory, because you'll have to make changes. *it is essential to do the above because when your `node_modules` is built with nmp they will be overwritten, specially when deploying* *You can take an extra step and just take out what you need, but I found it easier and less time consuming to just copy the whole `angular-boostrap-md`directory, then just modify what is needed*
3. Add the correct path to your imports in `app.module.ts` file, that is..
import { MDBBootstrapModule } from '../angular-bootstrap-md'; <===== ADD THIS LINE

  1. inside angular-bootstrap-mds file navbar.component.ts : set variable public isactive = false inside the NavbarComponent export, should have something that looks like this..
  export class NavbarComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnInit {
  public isactive = false; // <========== HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT TO ADD
  • Then in that same file navbar.component.ts, locate the show() and hide() functions: inside show() add this.acitve = true and inside hide() add this.isactive = false, and inside your @HostListener() : like this..
show() {
    this.shown = true;
    this.collapse = false;
    this.collapsing = true;
    this.isactive = true; // <========== HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT TO ADD
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.el.nativeElement, 'height', this.height + 'px');   
    }, 10);

and in hide(), like this ..

hide() {
    this.shown = false;
    this.collapse = false;
    this.showClass = false;
    this.collapsing = true;
    this.isactive = false; //<========== HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT TO ADD
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.el.nativeElement, 'height', '0px');
    }, 10);

and in @HostListener(), like this..

@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event']) onResize(event: any) { //start bracket
          this.collapse = true;
          this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.el.nativeElement, 'opacity', '');
        }, 4);
    } else {
      this.collapsing = false;
      this.shown = false;
      this.showClass = false;
      this.collapse = true;
      this.isactive = false;//<========== HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT TO ADD
      this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.el.nativeElement, 'height', '');
  } //end bracket

Done with navbar.component.ts , Save & Close the file.

  1. Then inside angular-bootstrap-mds navbar.component.html add the code that can be found in the NPM hamburgers docs, You can follow the NPM Docs as this is the simple html file. I added the full code of my funtional hamburger Button here. what is before and after the dots is all that was altered form the orginal boostrap navbar compoment.
<nav class="{{SideClass}}" #nav>
  <div [ngClass]="{'container': containerInside}" [ngStyle]="{'display': displayStyle}" #container>
    <ng-content select="logo"></ng-content>
    <ng-content *ngIf="this.doubleNav == true" select="navlinks"></ng-content>
    <div *ngIf="this.doubleNav == false">
      <!-- class below did not have:  hamburger  hamburger--collapse , also added the following code [ngClass]="{'is-active': isactive}"-->
      <button class="navbar-toggler hamburger hamburger--collapse" [ngClass]="{'is-active': isactive}" type="button" (click)="toggle($event)" mdbRippleRadius *ngIf="this.el.nativeElement.children.length !== 0">
        <!-- span below had navbar-toggle-icon originialy , CHANGE IT TO hamburger-box-->
        <span class="hamburger-box ">
          <!-- add this span for the hamburger-inner class -->
           <span class="hamburger-inner"></span>
    <div #navbar [style.height]="height" class="navbar-collapse collapse" [ngClass]="{'collapse': collapse, 'show': showClass, 'collapsing': collapsing}">
      <ng-content select="links"></ng-content>

Switch the hamburger--collapse to your desired class found in NPM docs
Then just modify your hamburger in styles.scss to have it look have the look you want to achive, but the above takes care of the animation

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.6.8.

NODE.js Server & Express:

Added Node.js server.js to run the app. This is so that the contact forms email server could be set up with the form.

-Nice detailed explaination on adding a node.js server to the angular2 app can be found in this repo. https://github.com/gangachris/ng2-mean. This just sets the framework for a Full stack functionality. It doesnt include Nodemailer installation.

-As Well As Here:https://scotch.io/tutorials/mean-app-with-angular-2-and-the-angular-cli

Node.js Dependencies Used

  • express

  • body-parser

  • express-handlebars

  • Nodemailer
    -This is used for the contact form to send the users message with their email. -nodemailer installation guide and docs can be found at their website: link - https://nodemailer.com/about/