
Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Extra Sequence Types and Helpers


A paged mutable sequence designed not to suffer heavy performance its when elements must be deleted or inserted inside a large sequence.

From an initializer sequence, the data is split in pages, each with pagesize size. By default the data type of pages is a Python list. From them on, all insertion or deletion happens on the individual pages and PagedList keeps track of pages size changes - so that it can always retrieve the correct values for the contained sequence.

Important: "pagesize" is not an absolute page size - it rather is an indication of desired page size - insertions and deletions can change individual pages to be larger or smaller than this amount. Insertions made through slicing (x[5:15] = range(100)) will respect maximum page size if the slice cross a page boundary - but not otherwise.

[WIP] At this point of the implementation, for a 10_000_000 sized sequence, using page_size = 10000 there is a 250 fold gain (25000%) in deleting consecutive elements one by one, and a 40 fold (36700%) performance loss in random acess reading to elements on the same sequence afterwards.

[WIP] getitem slice and negative indexes handling implemented


A DefaultDict analogue class


Linked list implementation of mutable sequence


Returns slices of a larger sequence as an inplace window to the
main sequence, instead of copies.
(If you need that before it is done here, check the ListView implementation
 at https://github.com/lhc/lhcpython/blob/master/tree.py for now)


Planned helpers/sequence types to be featured here:


Like collections.abc.MutableSequence but automatically handles
slices for your `__getitem__`, `__setitem__`, `__delitem__` methods
if they support integer indexes. (The stdlib's version requires one to
support both integer indexes and slices for these methods). It should also
handle negative indexes properly.


Some Tree Based Sequence  :-)