
Private Repo for collaboration and work in EC527

Primary LanguageC++


Private Repo for collaboration and work in EC527 labs and project

Current Assignment -- Lab 1

Taks Subtask status notes
B&O 5.3
B&O 6.5
B&O 6.6
B&O Blocking
Part 1 run code, compute data, interpret on spreadsheet
Note current loops in main need to free vecs
need to make a vec_free function
Part 2 Optimize MMM using loop interchange
Part 3 MMM with blocking
Part 4 Matrix transpose with loop interchange and blocking
This whole assigment seems far more messy than the first unfortunately

proposed for vec_free(), will test

void vec_free(vec_ptr vec) //return 1 for good, 0 for fail { free(vec->data); free(vec); }

Next Assignment -- Lab 2

Check list for where a given portion may be

Task Subtasks Status Notes
B&0 Reading J:Started
Part 1 use test_combine1-7.c
a compile, run, graph CPE, tinker, compare with book
b doubles & multiply, unroll loop by up to 10, graph CPE, explain
c same as b, but multiple accumulators and reassoc. transform
submit modified code, tables, graphs, explanations
Part 2 create test_dot.c, seems to require part 1b
submit code with original dot & best versions, describe optimizations, CPE and graphs for both
Part 3 test_branch.c
finish coding each init_vectors to show data dependence
generate CPE graphs
submit modified code & description, CPE plots wrt different data, explanation of CPE; possibly assembly level
Part 4 make test_eval.c, problem 5.20 from B&O
submit decription of methods, code, plots and CPEs of original and best, justify performance maybe assembly
Part 5 complain somehow