
Tetris Made with SDL2

Primary LanguageC

This is an implementation of Tetris in C using SDL2.

N.B.: Since this was wa fun project, I hope to update it soon to get it to run on both linux and windows, and to neaten up the obvious rookie errors in here. Things that tie it back to the class will likely be removed. Not sure when this will happen. 2-2017

In order for this to compile, you must have the proper packages installed for SDL. Probably the easiest guide to follow for this can be found here: http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/01_hello_SDL/

This will guide you based on your system and IDE, if needed.

For this particular project, the Makefile is set up to compile with gcc on a windows machine. To compile on a Linux machine, prospectively, remove the following from the Makefile:

  • The Include Paths
  • Only compiler flag is -w, remove if you want warnings
  • Only Linker flag is -lSDL2

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I plan on some major revisions to this project to organize the code and better use SDL soon. This is my checklist:

[progressing] Single image file that SDL will clip into

o Wall-Kick

o Floor Kick

[progressing] A "Tetris_def.h" to include the grid and tetromino headers along with other game controlling values like DROP_SCALER.

o Looking to revise the main game loop into a function that leverages tail optimization. Looking to ATS implementation

[progressing] Better usage of some of the SDL structures. Many unneeded globals that.

o Debating using SDL to control the frame rate

[DONE] A Hold tetromino so beloved long blocks can be saved for when they are useful

o MINOR: better speed algorithms. They are slow to start and ridiculous around 7k points

o MINOR: debating removing point accrual simply for tetrominos being placed

o MINOR: points for T spins and the like