tooltipsy by Brian Cray Lincensed under GPL2 - HOW TO (THE EASY METHOD): 1. Identify the HTML element that will trigger a tooltip, such as: <a href="#">Foobar</a> 2. Add a class name and title to the element <a href="#" class="hastip" title="I am the tooltip text">Foobar</a> 3. Link to it with jQuery $('.hastip').tooltipsy(); 4. Style it with CSS however you like, for example: .tooltipsy { padding: 10px; max-width: 200px; color: #303030; background-color: #f5f5b5; border: 1px solid #deca7e; } 5. Enjoy lovely tooltips OPTION QUICK REFERENCE: - alignTo: "element" or "cursor" (Defaults to "element") - offset: Tooltipsy distance from element or mouse cursor, dependent on alignTo setting. Set as array [x, y] (Defaults to [0, -1]) - content: HTML or text content of tooltip. Defaults to "" (empty string), which pulls content from target element's title attribute - show: function(event, tooltip) to show the tooltip. Defaults to a show(100) effect - showEvent: Set a custom event to bind the show function. Defaults to mouseenter - hide: function(event, tooltip) to hide the tooltip. Defaults to a fadeOut(100) effect - hideEvent: Set a custom event to bind the show function. Defaults to mouseleave - delay: A delay in milliseconds before showing a tooltip. Set to 0 for no delay. Defaults to 200 - css: object containing CSS properties and values. Defaults to {} to use stylesheet for styles - className: DOM class for styling tooltips with CSS. Defaults to "tooltipsy" METHOD QUICK REFERENCE: - $('.hastip').data('tooltipsy').show(): Force the tooltip to show - $('.hastip').data('tooltipsy').hide(): Force the tooltip to hide - $('.hastip').data('tooltipsy').destroy(): Remove the tooltip from DOM OTHER GREAT THINGS TO KNOW: - You can use ajax, for example: $('.hastip').tooltipsy({ content: function ($el, $tip) { $.get('api.php', function (data) { $el.html(data); }); return 'Fallback content'; } }); MORE INFORMATION VISIT