
obfuscate variable strings.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Obfuscate IDs or classNames with unique and random strings.


$ npm install obfus -g


$ obfus <config-json-path>

Config JSON Specification

        "separator": "\\_\\_(.+?)\\_\\_", // Be sure to use the unique separator to avoid unnecessary work.
        "source": [
                "public/css", //If a directory is defined, it explorers all the sub-directories and files.
        "obfuscationDictionary": {}, //Dictionary object to load. (Keep it blank)
        "obfuscationDictionaryLog": "obfus_dictionary.log", //Dictionary log's filename. (Keep it blank if you don't need it.)
        "source_postfix": "_old",
        "target_postfix": ""

Quick Start

1. Prefare source files. (IDs and classNames must be wrapped using the separator.)

+-- public
|   +-- css
|   |   +-- style.css
|   +-- index.html
+-- obfusConfig.json

- index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Obfus Test</title>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<link href="./css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="__wrapper__">
	<h1 class="__title__">Big Title</h1>
	<p class="__paragraph__">
		Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

- style.css

#__wrapper__ {background:yellow;}
#__wrapper__ h1 {font-size:64px;font-style:italic;}
#__wrapper__ .__title__ {color:blue;}
#__wrapper__ .__paragraph__ {font-size:20px;}

- obfusConfig.json

        "separator": "\\_\\_(.+?)\\_\\_",
        "source": [
        "obfuscationDictionary": {},
        "obfuscationDictionaryLog": "obfus_dictionary.log",
        "source_postfix": "_old",
        "target_postfix": ""

2. Run 'obfus' with config-json path

test$ obfus ./obfusConfig.json

3. Result

+-- public
|   +-- css
|   |   +-- style.css
|   |   +-- style_old.css
|   +-- index.html
|   +-- index_old.html
+-- obfus_dictionary.log
+-- obfusConfig.json

- index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Obfus Test</title>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<link href="./css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="AE">
	<h1 class="jT">Big Title</h1>
	<p class="Oe">
		Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

- style.css

#AE {background:yellow;}
#AE h1 {font-size:64px;font-style:italic;}
#AE .jT {color:blue;}
#AE .Oe {font-size:20px;}

- obfus_dictionary.log



Cavin Jo (oigil.jo@gmail.com)