
Puppet module to manage Dell OMSA

Primary LanguagePuppet


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  3. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


OMSA is the Dell OpenManage System Administrator and it's a useful tool to check and configure your Dell HW from within the operating system This puppet module takes care of installing it from Dell's repos and and creates a basic configuration


The most easy way to install puppet-omsa is to simply include the main class:

include ::omsa

This will install the basic package, the storage (RAID) module and the RAC5 module.

NOTE: if you are installing OMSA with a manual puppet run, you have to log out and log in again to have omreport and omconfig executables in your path

By default puppet-omsa enable external Dell's repositories (based on your OS), but if you want you can disable this feature

class { '::omsa':
  manage_repo => false,


omsa class

  • apt_key Hash containing the GPG key server and key id, as expected by Puppetlabs apt module. Useful only if manage_repo is true and if $::osfamily is Debian. Defaults should be sane though.

  • manage_repo Let this module manage the repositories for Dell OMSA installation

  • service_name The service name used to start OMSA. Default: dataeng

  • service_ensure Controls whether the service should be running or not. Default: running

  • service_enable Controls whether the service should be enabled at boot. Default: enabled

  • install_storage If true, enable the "omreport storage" subset. Default: true

  • install_webserver If true, enable the OMSA local webserver

  • install_rac4 Install components to manage the Dell Remote Access Card 4

  • install_rac5 Install components to manage the Dell Remote Access Card 5


This module has been tested on real hardware by the author only on CentOS7, but it should work with CentOS6 and RHEL6 and 7. It has been tested in Vagrant with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and it should work on bare metal with Debian 7 and Debian 8 too, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.


If you find any bug (they are there for sure!) or if you have any new feature, you are very warmly welcomed to submit an issue and if you can a PR. I promise that I'll try to answer everything ASAP (I've been burnt by maintainers completely ignoring bugs and PRs too, so I know how it is).