
Foi: a different kind of functional programming language

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Foi: a different kind of functional programming language

I'm jotting down some very early thoughts on what I think I want to design for the Foi language. This stuff is pretty much all subject to change. Consider everything experimental R&D for the foreseeable future.

Aspirational Design Ideas

  • versioned, with no backwards-compat guarantee
  • parsed, JIT'd, compiled (probably WASM), with full-fidelity AST (preserves everything including whitespace, comments, etc)
  • semicolons and braces (both required) -- no ASI, no implicit blocks
  • lexical and block scoped, functions are first-class and have closure
  • side effects (non-local reassignments) must be explicitly declared in function signature
  • no global scope (everything is in a module scope)
  • no circular dependencies, only synchronous module initialization
  • no references or pointers
  • no class, nor prototype, nor this-awareness
  • functional (tail-call optimized, pattern matching, curried function definitions, composition syntax, native monads, no exception handling, etc)
  • no const
  • no let -- block-scoped declarations are explicit syntax as part of the block
  • function auto-hoisting, but no variable hoisting
  • only one empty value
  • numeric types: int, float, bigint, bigfloat
  • everything is an expression (no statements)
  • iteration/looping (for/foreach/filter/map) are syntactic expressions, but accept functions
  • all keywords and operators are functions (with optional lisp-like call syntax)
  • records/tuples (instead of objects/arrays) that are immutable and by-value primitives
  • syntax for mutable data collection (dynamically define props/indices, like objects or arrays), but in order to use/read/pass-around, must first be "frozen" into an immutable record or tuple -- somewhat like a heap-allocated typed-array that's then accessed by a "view" (a record or tuple)
  • strings are sugar for tuples of characters, and are interoperable as such
  • optional named-argument call syntax
  • asynchrony built in (syntax for future values and reactivity/streams)
  • garbage collected
  • type awareness: weakly typed (small, limited set of type coercions), with dynamic type inferencing as well as optional type annotations on values/expressions

Prior Ideas

In addition to the above, I may pull parts of a long-ago description of earlier ideas for this language (then called "FoilScript").

Exploring Code Ideas

The following is a super incomplete exploration of what I've been imagining for awhile. There's a lot still to work out.


To import named dependencies (including "globals" from std), use the import keyword:

import #Std;

Std.log("Hello");               // "Hello"

Std.log(6 + 12);                // 18

Or import specific members from dependencies:

import log from #Std;

log("Hello");                   // "Hello"

Evaluation-Expression Form

All function calls and operators can optionally be evaluated in a lisp-like evaluation-expression form (with | | instead of ( )):

import log from #Std;

| log "Hello" |;               // "Hello"

| log | + 6, 12 ||;            // 18

An evaluation-expression | .. | expects the first element to be a function (or operator), followed optionally by whitespace. Any subsequent elements are treated as the parameter list (internally comma-separated), hence | + 6, 12 | above.

The primary reason for this optional evaluation-expression form is that it allows quite a bit of additional flexibility/capability at the call-site that isn't possible with the traditional call-site form (e.g., fn(1,2,3)).

Reversing Argument Order

One such flexibility is that we can control the treatment of input arguments in various ways.

Some operators like + are commutative, so the operand/argument order doesn't matter. But other operators, like -, are not commutative, so the order matters.

To reverse the order of applied arguments of the operator-function in question, which we can do with the ' prime operator applied first to it:

| | ' - | 1, 6 |;               // 5

Yes, with | ' - |, we just used one operator to modify another operator!

Note: The ' prime operator has no prefix-operator form (like 'something(42) or 1 '- 6); that sort of syntax could cause chaos for readbility. Thus, it can only be used inside an evaluation-expression form, as shown above.

Since this operation will be extremely common, a special sugar short-hand is available. The prime operator may appear immediately preceding (no whitespace) the operator/function (or expression) it's modifying:

| '- 1, 6 |;                    // 5

This short-hand form of ' should be preferred for readability sake wherever practical.

Partial Application

It's common in functional programming to produce more specialized functions by applying only some inputs to a more generalized (higher-arity) function; the result is a another function that expects the subsequent arguments.

This is referred to as partial application, and is another flexible capability afforded by the evaluation-expression form.

Consider the + mathematical operator, which has a minimum arity of 2. If we provide it only one argument, the result is a partially applied function that's still waiting for the second argument:

| | + 6 | 12 |;                 // 18

Here, the | + 6 | creates the partially applied (operator) function, which is then provided a second argument 12 in the outer | .. 12 | expression.

Partial application operates according to the default argument ordering, which is left-to-right. However, it's quite common (especially with operators) to want to reverse the partial application order (right-to-left). This is most useful for producing point-free expressions.

For example, let's say we want to produce a function (from the - operator) that will subtract 1 from its next input value. How do we partially apply the 1 when it's the second/right-most argument?

We use the ' prime operator to reverse the argument ordering, and then partially apply:

| | '- 1 | 6 |;                 // 5

The | '- 1 | evaluation-expression applies 1 as the right-most argument, and since that's the only argument provided, the result is a right-partially applied function.

That function -- which is back to regular left-to-right ordering, by the way -- is then expecting its next (and final) argument, provided by the | .. 6 | outer evaluation-expression.

N-Ary Operators

Another advantage of this form is that it allows n-ary operators -- operators accepting 3 or more operand inputs -- where typically prefix/infix/suffix operators would be limited to unary (single operand) or binary (two operands) usage.

Many operators in Foi are n-ary, such as the + operator, the >> flow (composition) operator, and the .. Tuple range operator.

For example, say you want to add 5 numbers together. You can obviously do:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5;

But because + is an n-ary operator, you can also do:

| + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |;

It's nice to only need to list the operator once instead of 4 times!

Still, as the + operator is a single symbol, this example (including padded whitespace) yields a slightly longer expression, which may seem disfavorable.

However, other operators are comprised of two or more symbols, so the length of the evaluation-expression form will likely end up shorter depending on how many arguments are provided.

Also, some operators may result in a change of value-type from the operand(s) to the result. In those cases, you cannot simply combine multiple infix operator usages like we did with +.

For example, say you wanted to test 3 variables as all being equal to each other. The ?= infix operator can only accept two operands (left and right), so we're forced to do multiple expressions, and combine their results with the logical-AND ?and operator:

(x ?= y) ?and (y ?= z) ?and (x ?= z);

Note: The ?= equality comparison may not be transitive, depending on the types being compared, hence why we included the x ?= z check for good measure.

But since the ?= operator is n-ary, we can provide it 3 or more arguments using the evaluation-expression form, resulting in a much shorter/nicer-to-read expression:

| ?= x, y, z |;

It should be clear how much more preferable n-ary operator evaluation can be!

Apply (aka Spread)

Say we have a list of values (a Tuple, as we'll see later) called numbers, and we want to "spread them out" as arguments to an operator/function. We can use the ... operator (which is only available in the evaluation-expression form):

| + ...numbers |;
| + 0, ...numbers, 1000 |;

OK, that's useful. But what about modifying an operator/function to automatically accept its inputs as a list?

| | ... + | numbers |;

Since ... is an operator, when applied against an operator/function like +, it produces a new function that will expect a single (Tuple) argument that's then spread out to the underlying operator/function.

As you can see from the last several sections, there's lots of additional power in the evaluation-expression form, but there are yet still other capabilities that we'll encounter later in this guide.

Defining Variables

To define variables, use the def keyword (not an operator/function).

def age: 42;

All definitions need a value initialization, but you can use the empty value if there's no other value to specify.

def definitions do not hoist, so to avoid confusion, they must not be preceded in any scope (module, function, or block) by any other non-definition (besides def, deft, defn, and import) statements.

To reassign a variable:

def age: empty;

age <: 42;

Unlike def definitions, <: re-assignments are allowed anywhere in the scope after the associated def definition.

def definitions attach to the nearest enclosing scope, whether that be module, function, or block. A block-scoped variable definition is thus:

    def tmp: 42;
    tmp <: 43;

However, since def definitions must appear at the top of their respective scopes, and there may be multiple such definitions in a block, the def-block form should be preferred for readability sake:

def (tmp: 42) {
    tmp <: 43;

Moreover, the def-block is allowed anywhere in its enclosing scope, so it's more flexible than a def.

Boolean Logic

The true and false boolean values are used primarily for decision making. Accordingly, non-negated, boolean-returning operators, aka logical operators, begin with the ? character (to signal asking a question to make a decision).

To combine two or more boolean values with logical-AND (?and):

def isValid: true;
def isComplete: true;
def isSuccess: false;

isValid ?and isComplete;                    // true
isValid ?and isComplete ?and isSuccess;     // false

| ?and isValid, isComplete, isSuccess |;    // false

And for logical-OR (?or):

def isValid: true;
def isComplete: true;
def isSuccess: false;

isValid ?or isComplete ?or isSuccess;       // true

| ?or isValid, isComplete, isSuccess |;     // true

Note: As you can see, the ?and and ?or operators are n-ary, meaning they can take 2 or more arguments -- but only in the evaluation-expression form.

To negate a boolean value, use the unary ! operator:

def isValid: true;

def isInvalid: !isValid;
def isNotValid: | ! valid |;

isInvalid;              // false
isNotValid;             // false

Also, any ?-prefixed logical boolean operator can be flipped/negated by swapping the ? with the ! operator. For example, !and is NAND (not-and) and !or is NOR (not-or):

// instead of these:
!(true ?and false);             // true
!true ?or !false;               // true
!(true ?and true);              // false
!true ?or !true;                // false

// or these:
!(false ?or false);             // true
!false ?and !false;             // true
!(true ?or false);              // false
!true ?and !false;              // false

// use negated operators:
true !and false;                // true
true !and true;                 // false
false !or false;                // true
true !or false;                 // false

We'll see more ?-prefixed, boolean-returning operators in the next section, all of which can also be negated by swapping ? for !.

Equality And Comparison

The ?= operator checks for equality:

def x: 42;
def y: 42;
def z: 100;

x ?= 42;                    // true

| ?= x, y, z |;             // false

Note: ?= is another n-ary operator in the evaluation-expression form. Keep in mind, equality comparison in Foi is not necessarily transitive.

To relationally compare (?< less-than, ?> greater-than):

def x: 100;
def y: 200;

x ?< y;                     // true
x ?> y;                     // false

And for the inclusive comparisons (?<= less-than-or-equal, ?>= greater-than-or-equal):

def x: 100;
def y: 200;

x ?<= x;                    // true
y ?>= y;                    // true

Note: These four operators are also n-ary operator in the evaluation-expression form. They compare the first operand against all other operands/inputs. For example, | ?< x, y, z | is the equivalent of (x ?< y) ?and (x ?< z), but does not compare y ?< z.

A very common task is to check if a value is in a range between two other values:

def x: 100;

(x ?> 0) ?and (x ?< 500);   // true

However, this can be done more idiomatically with the range-check operators, ?<> (non-inclusive) and ?<=> (inclusive):

def x: 100;

| ?<>  0,   x, 500 |;   // true
| ?<=> 100, x, 100 |;   // true

Note: Because these two operators have an arity of exactly 3, they cannot be used in the typical infix expression form, which would only allow two operands (left and right).

As mentioned in the previous section, all these ?-prefixed comparison operators can also be flipped/negated by swapping the ? with !:

def x: 42;
def y: 100;

x ?= 42;                // true
x != 42;                // false

x ?> y;                 // false
x !> y;                 // true
x ?>= y;                // false
x !>= y;                // true

x ?< y;                 // true
x !< y;                 // false
x ?<= y;                // true
x !<= y;                // false

| ?<>  40,  x, 50  |;   // true
| !<>  40,  x, 50  |;   // false
| ?<>= 100, y, 100 |;   // true
| !<>= 100, y, 100 |;   // false

Pattern Matching

To make decisions (with booleans!), use pattern matching:

import log from #Std;

def myName: "Kyle";

    (myName ?= "Kyle"): log("Hello!")
    default: log("Goodbye!")

Each match clause begins with a conditional -- either ( .. ) delimited expression or a | .. | evaluation-expression -- followed by a : colon an its consequent -- either an expression or a { } block. If the match's conditional evaluates to true, the consequent is evaluated, and the pattern-match completes.

Otherwise, the next match conditional is evaluated, and so on. If no match conditional succeeds, the (required) default clause's consequent is evaluated.

The matched clause's consequent result value will be the final expression result:

def myName: "Kyle";

def greeting: ?/
    (myName ?= "Kyle"): "Hello!"
    default: "Goodbye!"

greeting;               // "Hello!"

Records And Tuples

Records are immutable collections of values, delimited by < .. >. You can name each field of a record, but if you omit a name, numeric indexing is automatically applied. Any record with all numerically indexed fields (implicitly or explicitly defined) is a special case called a Tuple.

def idx: 2;
def prop: "last";

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;
numbers.1;                      // 5
numbers[idx];                   // 6

def person: < first: "Kyle", last: "Simpson" >;
person.first;                   // "Kyle"
person[prop];                   // "Simpson"

Above, Record/Tuple fields are accessed with . syntax, whether numeric or lexical-identifier. [ .. ] field access syntax evaluates field-name expressions (including strings that may include non-identifier characters).

To define Records/Tuples using arbitrary expressions, use the evaluation-expression form:

import uppercase from #Std.String;

def five: 5;
def numbers: < 4, five, 6 >;

def surname: "Simpson";
def person: < first: "Kyle", last: |uppercase surname| >;

To keep Record/Tuple syntax simpler, only the | .. | form of evaluation-expression (function invocation, operators, etc) is allowed inside the < .. > literal definition.

Strings are just syntax sugar for tuples of characters. Once defined, a string and a tuple of characters will behave the same.

def chars: < "H", "e", "l", "l", "o" >;
def str: "Hello";

chars.1;                    // "e"
str.1;                      // "e"

To determine the length of a string (or a Tuple), or the count of elements in a Record, use the size(..) function:

import size from #Std;

size("Hello");              // 5
size(< "O", "K" >);         // 2
size(< a: 1 >);             // 1

To progressively define the contents of a Record/Tuple across an arbitrary number of statements/operations, use a Record/Tuple def-block <{ .. }>. The block can contain any arbitrary logic for determining the contents, including traditional function calls, loops, etc. Once the block closes, the computed value is frozen as immutable.

def numbers: <{
    .1 <: 4;
    .2 <: 5;
    .3 <: 6;

def person: <{
    .first <: "Kyle";
    .last <: "Simpson";


You can determine if a value is in a Tuple with the ?in / !in operator:

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;

7 ?in numbers;                  // false
| ?in 4 numbers |;              // true

7 !in numbers;                  // true
| !in 4 numbers |;              // false

Note: The in operator only inspects numerically indexed fields.

You can determine if a field is defined in a Record with the ?has operator:

def person: < first: "Kyle", last: "Simpson" >;

person ?has "first";            // true
person ?has "middle";           // false

person !has "nickname";         // true

Deriving Instead Of Mutating

Since Records/Tuples are immutable, to change their contents requires you to derive a new Record/Tuple. One way to do so is the & pick operator:

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;
def allDigits: < 1, 2, 3, &numbers, 7, 8, 9 >;

def person: < first: "Kyle", last: "Simpson" >;
def friend: < &person, first: "Jenny" >;

And to select only specific elements for the derived Record/Tuple:

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;
def oddDigits: < 1, 3, &numbers.1, 7, 9 >;

def person: < first: "Kyle", last: "Simpson" >;
def friend: < first: "Jenny", &person.last >;

The &numbers.1 and &person.last pick operations are just sugar for:

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;
def oddDigits: < 1, 3, 2: numbers.1, 7, 9 >;

def person: < first: "Kyle", last: "Simpson" >;
def friend: < first: "Jenny", last: person >;

But in that less-sugared form, you could re-index or rename the field in the target Record/Tuple.

As a shorthand, you can also pick multiple fields at once:

def numbers: < 4, 6 >;
def evenDigits: < 0, 2, &numbers.[0,1], 8 >;

def person: < first: "Kyle", last: "Simpson", nickname: "getify" >;
def profile: < &person.[first,nickname] >;

The + operator, when used with Records/Tuples, acts in an append-only (concatenation) form:

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;
def moreNumbers: numbers + < 7, 8, 9 >;

moreNumbers.5;              // 8

And to derive a new Tuple as a ranged subset of another one, use the .. operator:

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;

numbers..1;                 // < 5, 6 >
numbers..-1;                // < 6 >

| .. numbers 0 2 |;          // < 4, 5 >


A Record can also act as a map, in that you can use another Record/Tuple as a field (not just as a value), using the % sigil to start the field name:

def numbers: < 4, 5, 6 >;
def dataMap: < %numbers: "my favorites" >;

dataMap[numbers];           // "my favorites"


A Set is an alternate Tuple definition form, delimited with [ ] instead of < >, which ensures each unique value is only stored once:

def numbers: [ 4, 6, 4, 5 ];

numbers;                    // < 4, 6, 5 >

As you can see, a Set is merely a syntactic sugar construction form for a Tuple, filtering out any duplicate values. What's created is still a Tuple, not a different value type.

The += set-append operator (similar to the + Record/Tuple append operator) will only append values not in the previous Tuple:

def numbers: [ 4, 5, 6 ];

def moreNumbers: numbers += [ 6, 7 ];

moreNumbers;                // < 4, 5, 6, 7 >


To define a function, use the defn keyword. To return a value from anywhere inside the function body, use the ^ sigil:

defn add(x,y) { ^x + y; }

Function definitions are always hoisted:

add(6,12);                          // 18
| add 6, 12 |;                      // 18

defn add(x,y) { ^x + y; }

Function definitions are also expressions (first-class values), so they can be assigned and passed around:

def myFn: defn add(x,y) { ^x + y; };

add(6,12);                          // 18
myFn(6,12);                         // 18

Function definition expressions can also be immediately invoked:

    |defn add(x,y) { ^x + y; }| 6, 12
|;                                  // 18

Concise function definitions may omit the name and/or the { .. } around the body, but the concise body must be an expression marked by the initial ^ return sigil:

def myFn: defn(x,y) ^x + y;

    |defn(x,y) ^x + y| 6, 12
|;                                  // 18

Default Parameter Values

To default a function parameter value:

defn add(x: 0, y: 0) ^x + y;

The default is applied if the corresponding argument supplied has the empty value, or if omitted.

Named Arguments

To override positional argument-parameter binding at a function call-site, the evaluation-expression form can specify which parameter name each argument corresponds to (in any order):

defn add(x: 0, y) ^x + y;

| add x:3, y:4 |;               // 7
| add y:5 |;                    // 5

Function Recursion

Function recursion is supported:

defn factorial(v) {
        (v ?<= 1): v
        default: v * factorial(v - 1)

factorial(5);                   // 120

Note: The ?/ .. / syntax is pattern-matching, explained earlier.

Tail-calls (recursive or not) are automatically optimized by the Foi compiler to save call-stack resources:

defn factorial(v,tot: 1) {
        (v ?<= 1): tot
        default: factorial(v - 1,tot * v)

factorial(5);                   // 120

Function Currying

Function definitions can optionally be curried:

defn add(x)(y) ^x + y;

def add6: add(6);

add6(12);                           // 18
add(6)(12);                         // 18

Note that add(6,12) (aka, loose currying) would not work, but the evaluation-expression form of the function call supports loose-applying arguments across currying boundaries:

defn add(x)(y) ^x + y;

| add 6, 12 |;                     // 18

Function definitions must declare side-effects (reassignment of free/outer variables) using the over keyword:

def customerCache: empty;
def count: 0;

defn lookupCustomer(id) over (customerCache) {
    // ..

    // this reassignment side-effect allowed:
    customerCache <: cacheAppend(customerCache,customer);

    // but this is disallowed because `count`
    // isn't listed in the `over` clause:

Function Composition

Function composition can be defined with the >> flow operator:

defn inc(v) ^v + 1;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

|| >> inc, triple, half | 11 |;     // 18

def composed: | >> inc, triple, half |;

composed(11);                       // 18

Recall that we can reverse the order of argument application with the ' prime operator. Thus, we can perform right-to-left style composition:

defn inc(v) ^v + 1;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

|| '>> half, triple, inc | 11 |;     // 18

def composed: | '>> half, triple, inc |;

composed(11);                       // 18

Note: Probably the most obvious reason for right-to-left composition style is the visual-ordering coherency between three(two(one(v))) and | '>> three, two, one |.

Function Pipelines

By contrast, the #> pipeline operator (F#-style) operates like this:

defn inc(v) ^v + 1;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

11 #> inc #> triple #> half;        // 18

11 #> | >> inc, triple, half |;     // 18

The first expression in a pipeline must be a value or an expression that produces a value. Each subsequent step must either be a function, or an expression that resolves to a function, which then produces a value to pass on to the next step.

Since the #> operator is n-ary, multiple steps can also be used in the evaluation-expression form:

defn inc(v) ^v + 1;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

| #> 11, inc, triple, half |;       // 18

Recall that we can reverse the order of arguments with the ' prime operator, allowing us to do right-to-left pipelining if we wanted to for some reason:

defn inc(v) ^v + 1;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

| '#> half, triple, inc, 11 |;       // 18

The topic of a pipeline step is the result of the previous step, and is implicitly passed as the single argument to the step's function. But the topic can be explicitly referred to with the # sigil:

defn add(x,y) ^x + y;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

11 #> add(1,#) #> triple #> half;        // 18
11 #> | add 1, # | #> triple #> half;    // 18

Of course, if the add(..) function is curried, we can get back to point-free style (without needing the # topic):

defn add(x)(y) ^x + y;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

11 #> add(1) #> triple #> half;        // 18
11 #> | add 1 | #> triple #> half;    // 18

A pipeline function is a specialized function definition form that replaces the ^ return sigil with a #> pipeline as its concise body. The topic of the first step is automatically bound to the first parameter of the function:

defn add(x,y) ^x + y;
defn triple(v) ^v * 3;
defn half(v) ^v / 2;

defn compute(x) #> add(1,#) #> triple #> half;

compute(11);                            // 18

Type Annotations

Type annotations in Foi are applied to values/expressions (not to variables, etc). These are optional, as Foi uses type inference wherever possible. But applying them can often improve the performance optimizations the Foi compiler can produce. A type annotation always begins with the as keyword:

def age: 42 as int;

def cost: | * getQty(order,item), getPrice(item) | as float;

Custom types can be defined, for use in subsequent annotations, with the deft keyword:

deft OrderStatus { empty, "pending", "shipped" }

def myStatus: getOrderStatus(order) as OrderStatus;

Function signatures may optionally be typed via custom types:

deft InterestingFunc (int,string) -> empty;

defn whatever(id,name) as InterestingFunc {
    // ..



All code and documentation are (c) 2022 Kyle Simpson and released under the MIT License. A copy of the MIT License is also included.