
add TLSA records to Gandi domains

Primary LanguageShell

New Adventures in DNSSEC and DANE

gandi-tlsa-glue -- add TLSA DNS records to your Gandi DNS

     gandi-tlsa-glue -- add TLSA records to Gandi domains

     gandi-tlsa-glue [-dhv] [-i cert|csr] [-n name] [-p port] [-t ttl]
		     file ...

     The gandi-tlsa-glue tool allows you to add TLSA records to your Gandi
     managed DNS zones.

     The following options are supported by gandi-tlsa-glue:

     -d		  Don't do anything, just report what would be done.

     -h		  Display help and exit.

     -i cert|csr  Specify whether the input file is a certificate or a CSR.
		  If not specified, default to 'cert'.

     -n name	  Only add records for name.

		  (By default, gandi-tlsa-glue will add TLSA records for all
		  SANs found in the cert.)

     -p port	  The port for which to add the record.	 If not specified,
		  defaults to 443.

     -t ttl	  The TTL for the TLSA record.	If not specified, defaults to

     -v		  Be verbose.  Can be specified multiple times.

     gandi-tlsa-glue expects input files to be x509 certificates in PEM for-
     mat.  For each input file, it will then extract all SANs, and for each
     SAN generate a TLSA record and attempt to add the record to the Gandi DNS
     zone for the domain the SAN is in.

     The TLSA record will be of type "3 1 1"; that is, it will specify the
     SHA-256 hash of the Subject Public Key of a Domain Issued Certificate.

     The following invocations illustrate common usage of this tool.

     To generate TLSA records for (the default) port 443 for all names found
     in the certificate 'example.com.crt':

	   gandi-tlsa-glue example.com.crt

     To verbosely generate TLSA records from the CSR for 'smtp.example.com'
     for use with STARTTLS in an SMTP context (i.e., on port 25) with a TTL of
     24 hours:

	   gandi-tlsa-glue -v -v -v -i csr -t 86400 -p 25 smtp.example.com.csr

     The gandi-tlsa-glue utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error

     The following environment variables affect the execution of this tool:

     GANDI_API_KEY  The API key to access the Gandi API.

		    You can retrieve this key from the "Security" section in
		    the account admin panel at https://account.gandi.net/.

     openssl_req(1), openssl_rsa(1), openssl_x509(1),

     gandi-tlsa-glue was originally written by Jan Schaumann
     <jschauma@netmeister.org> in May 2019.

     Please file bugs and feature requests by emailing the author.