
A simple plugin-enabled HipChat bot

Primary LanguageRuby


The friendly plugin-enabled HipChat bot.

This is a fork of github.com/justinweiss/robut – the plan is to add a few of github.com/jschauma/jbot’s capabilities.

For details about usage and the base plugins, please see Justin’s original page: github.com/justinweiss/robut

Changes in this fork

I took the liberty of making a few minor changes in this fork. Most notably, this bot responds to commands preceded by a question mark rather than by addressing the bot via the @-notation.

That is, in this bot, you’d use


rather than

@botname help

Changes in default plugins


a simple calculator

Same idea as in the original, different implementation. In particular, this plugin shells out to bc(1), which allows it to perform a few more complex calculations (ie pretty much anything you can do with bc(1)).

?calc 1+1                    # => 2
?calc ibase=2; 1001010101    # => 597
?calc obase=16; 1024+123456  # => 1E640
?calc sqrt(99)               # => 9.94987437106619954734
?calc 4*a(1)                 # => 3.14159265358979323844

does a google image search for a query

Instead of returning the first image, this invocation returns randomly one of the first 10 images.

Additional plugins provided in this fork


answer your yes/no questions

?8ball Is this a useful plugin?

your friendly neighborhood therapist

A few Eliza- and other snarky comments to allow for moderately entertaining dialog with the bot.


don’t mess with the bot

Generate an insult for somebody or something.

?insult bob

your mom’s got klout

Retrieve a given user’s Klout score and areas of expertise.

?klout jbot

Oehpr Fpuarvre rkcrpgf gur Fcnavfu Vadhvfvgvba.

Quip a random fact about Bruce Schneier when appropriate.


A plugin by any other name…

Generate a shakespearean insult when appropriate.


How much you got?

Get the latest stock quote:

?stock yhoo

Everybody knows something.

Retrieve a useful snippet of information.


Chirp chirp.

Get twitter messages:

?twitter jschauma

That’s what she really said.

Display a quote like @jessamynsmith’s talkbackbot whenever somebody claims that that was what she said.


Wiki wiki.

Get a brief wikipedia definition

?wiki cow and chicken

translate acronyms

?wtf bofh