
split mbox input into individual mail files

Primary LanguageC


splitmbox is a tool to convert an mbox into individual files, one per message.

This can be useful if a given program only accepts maildir formatted emails, but you use a client that uses mbox. Examples are:

  • training spamassasin via sa-learn
  • importing archives into majordomo or mailman

The directory is named 'splitmail' since it's conceivable that other tools will be written in the future that accomplish similar tasks.


To install the command and manual page somewhere convenient, run make install; the Makefile defaults to '/usr/local' but you can change the PREFIX:

$ make PREFIX=~ install

     splitmbox -- split mbox input into individual mail files

     splitmbox [-d dir] [-hv] [file ...]

     The splitmbox utility splits an mbox-file given on the command-line or
     via STDIN into individual mail files.  If no output directory is speci-
     fied, splitmbox will create the individual mail files in the current
     working directory.	 Each resulting file is named NNNNNN, with leading

     The following options are available:

     -d dir	 If specified, resulting files will be stored in dir.  If dir
		 does not exist, splitmbox will attempt to create it.

     -h		 Show usage and exit.

     -v		 Show version number and exit.

     The splitmbox utility was written by Jan Schaumann <jschauma@netmeis-

     The splitmbox utility can only handle mboxes with lines shorter than 1024

     If an mbox is provided with more than 999,999 messages, then the result-
     ing files will not be alphabetically sorted correctly, as filenames for
     the next messages are not zero-padded on the left.