
information about retrieving TLD zone data

Primary LanguageShell

This directory contains information about how to access DNS zone data for the different top-level domains (TLDs).

As far as applicable, all information here is CC0 1.0, and provided AS IS without any claim of correctness yada yada yada.

The Root Zone (.)


dig +noall +answer @f.root-servers.net . AXFR

Infrastructure domain (arpa.)

Available via AXFR:

dig +noall +answer @$(dig +short ns arpa. | head -1) arpa AXFR

This zone can also be walked using NSEC discovery.

Original Top-Level Domains (TLDs)


Per inquiry to https://www.educause.edu/, the zone is only made available "when the proposed use of the zone file directly contributes to the security of the domain."

Inquiries should be sent to edu@educause.edu.


Per inquiry to the technical contact listed in WHOIS, the data for mil. is not made available.

Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)

DNS zone data is available for the generic TLDs per ICANN requirements via their Centralized Zone Data Service at https://czds.icann.org/.

Most gTLD operators provide this data without much push back. Some gTLD operators require you to submit an explanation of why you require access, others require you to submit some personal information (e.g., contact information, postal address, associated IP addresses), and yet others ask to see your ID.

Lastly, ICANN publishes monthly registry reports for the TLDs under its purview with a three month delay at https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/registry-reports/.

Sponsored Top-Level Domains (sTLDs)

International (int.)

Per inquiry to tld-contact@iana.org, the zone for int. is not available to the public.

Post (post.)

You can apply for Zone File Access on the upu.int website:


The form itself is available on ICANN's website:


Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)

ccTLDs are not covered by the ICANN requirement to make zone data available to the public. When contacted, most ccTLD operators deny the request.

The following are exceptions / additional notes:

Armenia (am.)

AMNIC makes some statistics available here:


Argentina (ar.)

nic.ar does not make the zone file or data available to the public, but provides some statistics here:


Austria (at.)

nic.at makes some statistics available here:


Azerbaijan (az.)

whois.az makes some statistics available here:


Bosnia and Herzegovina (ba.)

nic.ba does not make the zone file or data available to the public, but provides some statistics here:


Belgium (be.)

dnsbelgium.be does not make the zone file or data available to the public, but provides some statistics here:


Brazil (br.)

Registro.br does not make the zone file or data available to the public, but provides some statistics here:


@MatheusAvellar has compiled an incomplete and unofficial list of br. domains at https://lab.avl.la/.br/.

This zone can also be walked using NSEC discovery.

Bouvet Island (bv.)

The bv. ccTLD has never been open for registrations. Per feedback from norid.no, the zone file is empty, except for the required apex resource records.

See also: https://www.norid.no/en/omnorid/toppdomenet-bv/

Canada (ca.)

CIRA provides a count of registered domain names here:


Democratic Republic of the Congo (cd.)

The zone for cd. appears to be available via AXFR from some of the NS records listed in the root zone:

dig +noall +answer @ns-root-22.scpt-network.net. cd. AXFR

Switzerland (ch.)

Switch.ch provides open data access to the ch. zone via TSIG authenticated AXFR:


China (cn.)

CNNIC provides some statistics in its periodic reports available at


Cape Verde (cv.)

The zone for cv. appears to be available via AXFR from some of the NS records listed in the root zone:

dig +noall +answer @cv01.dns.pt. cv. AXFR

Curaçao (cw.)

uoc.cw posts the list of registered domains at


Czech Republic (cz.)

CZ.nic does not make the cz. zone available to the public, but some statistics are published here:


Denmark (dk.)

punktum.dk makes available some statistics here:


Dominican Republic (do.)

nic.do makes available some statistics here:


Algeria (dz.)

nic.dz makes available some statistics here:


This zone can also be walked using NSEC discovery.

Eritrea (er.)

The zone for er. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @zaranew.noc.net.er. er. AXFR

Note: this domain offers registration under several second-level names (e.g., com.er., edu.er., gov.er., mil.er., net.er., org.er., ind.er.); some of these domains are also available via AXFR.

Estonia (ee.)

Per https://www.internet.ee/domains/ee-zone-file, the ee. zone file is available via AXFR:

dig +noall +answer @zone.internet.ee ee. AXFR

This zone can also be walked using NSEC discovery.

European Union (eu., xn--qxa6a / .ευ, and xn--e1a4c / .ею)

eurid.eu makes some statistics available here:


Fiji (fj.)

The zone for fj. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @ns1.fj fj. AXFR

Finland (fi.)

The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority does not provide access to the zone, but provides OData access to the registered domain names.

Sample request:

curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json' \

The entire list of registered domains can be fetched via a simple loop. See this script for an example.

France (fr.)

AFNIC does not provide access to the zone file, but publishes some zone data, including the list of registered domains at:


Georgia (ge.)

nic.ge provides some statistics here:


Guadeloupe (gp.)

The zone for gq. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @ns2.nic.gp gp. AXFR

Guatemala (gt.)

www.gt provides some statistics here:


Hong Kong (hk.)

hkirc.hk provides some statistics here:


Hungary (hu.)

domain.hu provides some statistics here:


Haiti (ht.)

nic.ht provides some statistics here:


Indonesia (id.)

The website for pandi.id pulls some stats from this URL:


Ireland (ie.)

weare.ie provides some statistics here:


Israel (il. and xn--4dbrk0ce. / .ישראל)

isoc.org.il provides some statistics here:


Iran (ir.)

nic.ir provides some statistics here:


Iceland (is.)

isnic.is provides some statistics here:


Italy (it.)

nic.it provides some statistics here:


Jordan (jo. and xn--mgbayh7gpa. / .الاردن)

dns.jo provides some statistics here:


Japan (jp.)

JPRS provides some statistics here:


Kenya (ke.)

KENIC provides some statistics here:


Malaysia (my.)

MYNIC provides some statistics here:


Mexico (mx.)

dominios.mx provides some statistics here:


South Korea (kr. and xn--3e0b707e. / .한국)

KRNIC provides some statistics here:


Liechtenstein (li.)

Switch.ch provides open data access to the li. zone via TSIG authenticated AXFR:


Luxembourg (lu.)

dns.lu provides some statistics here:


Lithuania (lt.)

domreg.lt makes some statistics available here:


Latvia (lv.)

nic.lv makes some statistics available here:

https://www.nic.lv/lv/statistika and https://www.nic.lv/lv/latviskie-domena-vardi

Morocco (ma.)

registre.ma makes some statistics available here:


North Macedonia (mk.)

marnet.mk makes some statistics available here:


Northern Mariana Islands (mp.)

The zone for mp. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @ns1.nic.mp. mp. AXFR

Malawi (mw.)

The zone for mw. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @domwe.sdn.mw. mw. AXFR

Note: this domain offers registration under several second-level names (ac.mw., co.mw., com.mw., coop.mw., edu.mw., gov.mw., int.mw., museum.mw., net.mw., org.mw.); some of these domains are also available via AXFR.

Mexico (mx.)

NIC Mexico makes some statistics available here:


Netherlands (nl.)

SIDN Labs makes some statistiks available here:


Nicaragua (ni.)

The zone for ni. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @ns.ideay.net.ni. ni. AXFR

Note: this domain offers registration under several second-level names (biz.ni., co.ni., com.ni., edu.ni., gob.ni., info.ni., int.ni., mil.ni., net.ni., nom.ni., org.ni.); some of these domains are also available via AXFR.

Norway (no.)

norid.no does not make zone data for the no. ccTLD available to the public, but provides some statistics here:


Niue (nu.)

The Swedish Internet Foundation provides access to the nu. zone via AXFR:

dig +noall +answer @zonedata.iis.se nu. AXFR

They also make available some statistics here:


New Zealand (nz.)

dns.org.nz does not make the nz. zone available to the public, but you can submit a request for access here:


They also make available some statistics here:


Peru (pe.)

punto.pe includes a count of active domains on its website:


Poland (pl.)

dns.pl makes some statistics available here:


Palestine (ps.)

nic.ps makes some statistics available here:


Portugal (pt.)

pt.pt does not make the pt. zone available to the public, but you can submit a request for access here:


The request will ask for the purpose, required access, associated organizations, and ultimately request a government ID to be submitted together with the zone file sharing agreement.

In addition, pt.pt makes sme statistics available here:


Serbia (.rs)

RNIDS makes some statistics available here:


Russia (ru.)

statdom.ru makes available some statistics here:


Saudi Arabia (sa.)

nic.sa makes available some statistics at


Sweden (se.)

The Swedish Internet Foundation provides access to the se. zone via AXFR:

dig +noall +answer @zonedata.iis.se se. AXFR

They also make available some statistics here:


Singapore (sg.)

sgnic.sg makes available some statistics at


Svalbard and Jan Mayen (sj.)

The sj. ccTLD for Svalbard/Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen has never been open for registrations. Per feedback from norid.no, the zone file is empty, except for the required apex resource records.

See also: https://www.norid.no/en/omnorid/toppdomenet-sj/

Slovenia (si.)

register.si makes some statistics available here:


Slovakia (sk.)

SK-NIC does not provide access to the zone file, but publishes a list of registered domains at:


Sierra Leone (sl.)

The zone for sl. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @ns2.neoip.com sl. AXFR

Note: this domain offers registration under several second-level names (com.sl, edu.sl, gov.sl, net.sl, org.sl); some of these domains are also available via AXFR.

This zone can also be walked using NSEC discovery.

Soviet Union (su.)

(TLD still in use.)

statdom.ru makes available some statistics here:


El Salvador (sv.)

SVNet makes available some statistics here:


Thailand (th.)

thnic.co.th makes available some statistics here:


Tunisia (tn.)

registre.tn makes some statistics available here:


Turkey (tr.)

TRABIS provides some statistics here:


Taiwan (tw.)

twnic.tw provides some statistics here:


Tanzania (tz.)

karibu.tz provides some statistics here:


Ukraine (ua.)

hostmaster.ua makes some statistics available here:


United Kingdom (uk.)

Nominet makes some statistics available here:


United States (us.)

Godaddy / Registry Services does not make the us. zone available to the public, but a request for access for research purposes can be made via email to iana@about.us.

Once authorized, access can be automated using the Files.com API:


Uruguay (uy.)

nic.uy makes some statistics available here:


Uzbekistan (uz.)

cctld.uz makes some statistics available here:


Vietname (vn.)

tenmien.vn makes some statistics available here:


South Africa (za.)

.ZADNA (.za Domain Name Authority) includes a total domain count for the TLD on its website:


In addition, the ZA Central Registry (ZACR), the administrator of some of the zones under za. makes some statistics available here:


Internationalized country code top-level domains (IDN ccTLDs)

Bangladesh "Bangla" (xn--54b7fta0cc. / .বাংলা)

The zone for xn--54b7fta0cc. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @bayanno.btcl.net.bd. xn--54b7fta0cc. AXFR

This zone can also be walked using NSEC discovery.

China (xn--fiqs8s. / .**)

CNNIC provides some statistics in its periodic reports available at


Serbia (xn--90a3ac. / срб.)

RNIDS makes some statistics available here:


Palestine (xn--ygbi2ammx. / .فلسطين)

The zone for xn--ygbi2ammx. appears to be available via AXFR from some of its NS records:

dig +noall +answer @ns1.gov.ps xn--ygbi2ammx. AXFR

Russia (xn--p1ai. / .рф)

statdom.ru makes available some statistics here:


Thailand (xn--o3cw4h. / .ไทย)

thnic.co.th makes available some statistics here:


Tunisia (xn--pgbs0dh. / .تونس)

registre.tn makes some statistics available here:


NSEC Discovery

As of 2023-07-08, The following TLDs use NSEC records and thus can be discovered by walking the zone using e.g., ldns-walk:

  • audio.
  • auto.
  • Åland (ax.)
  • Bangladesh (bd.)
  • Bhutan (bt.)
  • car.
  • cars.
  • christmas.
  • Ivory Coast (ci.)
  • Cyprus (cy.)
  • diet.
  • Algeria (dz.)
  • Estonia (ee.)
  • flowers.
  • game.
  • Global Domain Name (gdn.)
  • Guinea (gn.)
  • guitars.
  • hosting.
  • Kyrgyzstan (kg.)
  • Kazakhstan (kz.)
  • Lebanon (lb.); strict second-level domain name separation, divided into:
    • com.lb.
    • edu.lb.
    • gov.lb.
    • net.lb.
    • org.lb.
  • Sri Lanka (lk.)
  • Liberia (lr.)
  • Monaco (mc.)
  • Puerto Rico (pr.)
  • ruhr.
  • Venezuela (ve.)
  • Kazakhstan (xn--80ao21a. / .қаз)
  • Sri Lanka (xn--fzc2c9e2c. / .ලංකා)
  • Mongolia (xn--l1acc. / .мон)
  • Sri Lanka (xn--xkc2al3hye2a. / .இலங்கை)

See also

A lot of the above information was previously recorded by Jan-Piet Mens at: https://jpmens.net/2021/05/18/dns-open-zone-data/

Additional links: