This repository contains Jupyter Notebooks with calculations and visualizations on Guiding, a technique to improve tracking of a telescope in deep sky photography. The notebooks contain a mix of English and German language.
The main files are:
- A try to leverage Fast Fourier Transformation to see effects of spider vanes FFT.ipynb
- Resolution & Seeing Visualization [Guiding.ipynb](Guiding.ipynb]
- Simulate PE curves and generate GuidLog output GuidingGraphs.ipynb
- Read infos from SubframeSelector (PixInsight) and Session Metadata Plugin (N.I.N.A.) and do statistical analysis on it PictureStats.ipynb
- Simulate Seeing and compare to drift and periodic error components SignalAnteile.ipynb
- Given a periodic error, how long does it take to cross a pixel UnguidedPerformance.ipynb