
UMich schedule creator

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


To replace schedulizer...


The top level folders are:

  • schedules - Contains the raw schedule .csv files which get converted into javascript in build/schedules/.
  • styles - Contains the .less files which get converted into CSS and put into build/styles/.
  • source - Contains the source .coffee files which get compiled into javascript and put into build/source.
  • templates - Contains the template .handlebars files which get compiled into a single javascript file in build/templates.
  • external - Contains external .js files to be included in the project
  • html - Contains HTML template files (.handlebars), which get parsed and evaluated as .html files and put at the top level of build/.

Any file of these folders may be nested and their nesting structure will be preserved in the output directory. For example source/catalog/CourseView.coffee will compile to build/source/catalog/CourseView.js. Additionally, each of these folders may have a top level dependencies.json file which declares any source file dependencies that exist in that directory. For example, the external folder has the following dependencies:

  "backbone.marionette.js": [
  "backbone.js": [
  "papaparse.js": [

As can be seen, the general format is "source": ["depedencies"...].


To build simply run grunt:

$ grunt

Eventually, there will be multiple grunt tasks for production and release but for the moment there is just the default task, which does the following:

  • clean - Cleans the build directory.
  • coffee - Compiles the coffee files in source into build/source.
  • copy - Copies the files in external into build/external.
  • handlebars - Compiles the handlebars templates in templates into build/templates/templates.js. In javascript, to access a template in templates/namespace/view.handlebars do the following:
template = scheduler.templates['namespace.view']
  • less - Compiles the less files in styles into build/styles.
  • schedule - Compiles schedules in schedules into build/schedules. In javascript, to access the schedule schedules/WN2015.csv do the following:
contents = schedules.WN2015
  • html - Compiles handlebars files from html into build (note, not into a subfolder e.g. build/html). Since these are handlebars files, they have certain template variables that can be used. The template variables are simply the directories of source files. Consider the following sample.handlebars:
  {{#each source}}
    {{script this}}

When compiled, this will look like:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="source/Source1.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="source/Source2.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="source/sub/Source3.js"></script>

Note, this is where dependencies.json comes into play. If the source folder has a dependencies.json which contains:

  "Source1.coffee": ["Source2.coffee"],
  "Source2.coffee": ["sub/Source3.coffee"]

Then the resulting html output would instead look like:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="source/sub/Source3.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="source/Source2.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="source/Source1.js"></script>