- 4
Distributed package isn't tree-shakable
#199 opened by aethr - 1
Invalid memory unit conversions
#204 opened by 1993alexey - 0
Q: Is Measure serialisation / deserialisation possible?
#203 opened by aethr - 2
Convert to a unit in the same dimension
#200 opened by aethr - 2
Can I have the converted value as a just the number value, not a (value as string + symbol)?
#198 opened by rafaellehmkuhl - 5
Can assign incompatible measures if they have some dimensions in common,
#152 opened by niklashallenfur - 3
Measure.of(<value>, bytes) yields value in bits
#168 opened by tymokvo - 2
value in an unit
#163 opened by raoz - 2
Conversion not working
#154 opened by michaeladam3010 - 4
Formatting options
#140 opened by markusjohnsson - 1
Long build times & cryptic error messages!
#139 opened by bezysoftware - 1
export declare const centi: <U extends Partial<{ [dimension: string]: import("../../../../../../../Users/jscheinerman/Development/Personal/safe-units/src/exponent/generated/exponent").Exponent;
#71 opened by dvc94ch