
Static web page with some typical performance issues. A exercise for students of my lecture Rich Media Systems at Stuttgart Media University is to find these issues and improve the loading experience for the users.

Primary LanguageHTML

hdm-webperformance exercise

This repository contains a static web page with some typical performance issues. A exercise for students of my lecture Rich Media Systems at Stuttgart Media University is to find these issues and improve the loading experience for the users.


  1. open https://vscode.dev/github/jschroeter/hdm-webperformance; you should see Visual Studio Code with all the files
  2. when you commit your changes for the first time you'll get asked if you want to create a fork. Select yes.
  3. Open your new repository in GitHub and enable GitHub Pages in the repository settings, see https://docs.github.com/en/pages/getting-started-with-github-pages/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-your-github-pages-site. Select the main branch and root folder.

After a few seconds you should be able to access the page via https://<your-username>.github.io/hdm-webperformance/

Whenever you commit & push something to the main branch, the page will be published again. It might take a few seconds.
