
Python3 package for low-level networking

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Hacked together into entirety by c0mplh4cks

Table of Contents


This package is created to build low-level networking packets which can be used when building verious types of applications. Using this package it is possible to make packets ranging from OSI model level 2 to level 7. One of the endless applications could be a network device discovery tool using the address resolution protocol for example. Apart from only building numerous headers and payloads, this package makes it also possible to read received data and extract usefull information, making it possible to interact with a Python script.

OSI model

Open Systems Interconnection model

No Layer Function Protocol (included in package)
7 Application Application communication DNS, MQTT
6 Presentation Representation & Encryption
5 Session Interhost communication
4 Transport Connections & QoS TCP, UDP
3 Network IP IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, ICMPv6, ARP
2 Data Link MAC Ethernet
1 Physical Bits

Introduced to standardise networking protocols, allowing multiple networking devices from different developers to communicate among each other. The model consists of multiple layers with its own functions. The OSI model differs from the TCP/IP model since it has the presentation and session layers.


An explanation of the datagrams for each protocol included in this package. Every protocol described here contains a table with the contents of the protocols datagram in order. The tables contain the length of the data in bits and bytes, a description and a type field. The type field explains in which type the data must be set when used in Python.

Ethernet protocol

Ethernet makes part of the data link layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    48 6 Destination MAC Address str destination MAC address
    48 6 Source MAC Address str source MAC address
    16 2 Protocol int each layer 3 packet has its own protocol value

ARP protocol

ARP makes part of the network layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 Hardware Type int type of hardware address
    16 2 Protocol Type int type of protocol address
    8 1 Hardware Size int size of hardware address
    8 1 Protocol Size int size of protocol address
    16 2 Operation Code int 1 for request, 2 for response
    48 6 Source MAC Address str source MAC address
    32 4 Source IP Address str source IP address
    48 6 Destination MAC Address str destination MAC address
    32 4 Destination IP Address str destination IP address

IPv4 protocol

IPv4 makes part of the network layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    4 - Version int version of IP
    4 - Header length int length of ipv4 header
    8 1 Differentiated Service Field int differentiated service field
    16 2 Total length int total length of packet
    16 2 ID int identifier for IPv4 packet
    16 2 Flags int flags
    8 1 TTL int time to live
    8 1 Protocol int protocol of following header
    16 2 Checksum int for calculating errors
    32 4 Source IP Address str source IP address
    32 4 Destination IP Address str destination IP address

IPv6 protocol

IPv6 makes part of the network layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    4 - Version int version of IP
    8 1 Traffic class int traffic class
    20 - Flow label int flow label
    16 2 Payload length int length of payload
    8 1 Next header int type identifier of next header
    8 1 Hop limit int hop limit
    126 16 Source IPv6 Address str source IPv6 address
    126 16 Destination IPv6 Address str destination IPv6 address

ICMP protocol

ICMP makes part of the network layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    8 1 Type int type
    8 1 Code int subtype
    16 2 Checksum - for calculating errors
  • Echo

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 ID int echo identifier
    16 2 Sequence Number int sequence number
    64 8 Timestamp int timestamp
    >0 >0 Payload bstr payload (variable size)
  • TimeExceeded

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    32 4 Unused - unused
    >160 >20 Data bstr IPv4 Header & ICMP Header

ICMPv6 protocol

ICMPv6 makes part of the network layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    8 1 Type int type
    8 1 Code int subtype
    16 2 Checksum int for calculating errors
  • Echo

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 ID int echo identifier
    16 2 Sequence Number int sequence number
    >0 >0 Payload bstr payload (variable size)

UDP protocol

UDP makes part of the transport layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 Source PORT int source port
    16 2 Destination PORT int destination port
    16 2 Total length int total length of header & payload
    16 2 Checksum - for calculating errors

TCP protocol

TCP makes part of the transport layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 Source PORT int source port
    16 2 Destination PORT int destination port
    32 4 Sequence number int sequence number
    32 4 Acknowledgement number int acknowledgement number
    4 - Header length int length of header
    12 - Flags int flags
    16 2 Window size int size of window
    16 2 Checksum int for calculating errors
    16 2 Urgent pointer int urgent pointer
    >0 >0 Options obj options

DNS protocol

DNS makes part of the application layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 ID int echo identifier
    16 2 Flags int flags
    16 2 Questions int amount of questions
    16 2 Answer RRs int amount of answer RRs
    16 2 Authority RRs int amount of authority RRs
    16 2 Additional RRs int amount of additional RRs
  • Query

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    >8 >1 Name str name in question
    16 2 Type int name type
    16 2 Class int name class
  • Answer

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    >8 >1 Name str name in question
    16 2 Type int cname type
    16 2 Class int cname class
    32 4 Time To Live int time to live for answer
    16 2 Length int total length of answer
    >8 >1 Cname str answer on question

MQTT protocol

MQTT makes part of the application layer.

  • Header

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    8 1 Flags int flags
    8 1 Payload length int length of payload
  • Connect

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 Protocol length int length of protocol
    >0 >0 Protocol str protocol
    8 1 Version int version
    8 1 Flags int flags
    16 2 Keep alive int keep alive
    16 2 ID length int length of identifier
    >0 >0 ID str identifier
  • ConnectACK

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    8 1 Flags int flags
    8 1 Return code int return code
  • Subscribe

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 Message ID int identifier of message
    16 2 Topic length int length of topic
    >0 >0 Topic str topic
    8 1 Requested QoS int requested type of QoS
  • SubscribeACK

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 Message ID int identifier of message
    8 1 Granted QoS int granted type of QoS
  • Publish

    Bits Bytes Data Type Description
    16 2 Topic length int length of topic
    >0 >0 Topic str topic
    >0 >0 Message str message


The following will show how this package can be installed.

Installation from PyPi

install package by using pip

pip3 install packnet


pip install packnet

Installation from Github

clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/c0mplh4cks/packnet

move inside the directory

cd packnet

install the library by running the following command

pip3 install .


Packages can be imported using different methods in Python. The following examples will show how this package can be imported and used in numerous ways.
(Note that the first and third examples are preferred)

import packnet  # Imports everything inside the package.

interface = packnet.Interface()
ethernet_header = packnet.ETHERNET.Header()
dns_query = packnet.DNS.Query()
from packnet import * # Imports everything inside the package. NOT RECOMMENDED!

interface = Interface()
ethernet_header = ETHERNET.Header()
dns_query = DNS.Query()
from packnet import standards, Interface, ETHERNET, DNS   # Imports specific modules/objects/functions from package.

interface = Interface()
ethernet_header = ETHERNET.Header()
dns_query = DNS.Query()


The following snippets of code will serve as an example when building different types of packets.

ARP request encode

from packnet import ETHERNET, ARP   # importing ETHERNET and ARP objects

src = ["", 0, "11:11:11:11:11:11"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]
dst = ["", 0, "22:22:22:22:22:22"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]

arp = ARP.Header()    # defining ARP Header object
arp.src = src         # setting source address
arp.dst = dst         # setting destination address
arp.op = 1            # setting operation code to 1(request)
arp.build()           # building ARP Header

ethernet = ETHERNET.Header()  # defining ETHERNET Header object
ethernet.src = src            # setting source address
ethernet.dst = dst            # setting destination address
ethernet.protocol = 0x0806    # setting protocol 0x0806(ARP)
ethernet.data = arp.packet    # adding ARP Header
ethernet.build()              # building ETHERNET Header

print(ethernet.packet)    # printing build ARP request including ethernet header

TCP message encode

from packnet import ETHERNET, IPv4, TCP

src = ["", 0, "11:11:11:11:11:11"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]
dst = ["", 0, "22:22:22:22:22:22"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]

msg = "hello".encode()      # defining TCP payload

tcp = TCP.Header()    # defining TCP Header object
tcp.src = src         # setting source address
tcp.dst = dst         # setting destination address
tcp.seq = 1234        # setting sequence number
tcp.ack = 4321        # setting acknowledgement number
tcp.data = msg        # setting payload
tcp.build()           # building TCP Header

ipv4 = IPv4.Header()    # defining IPv4 Header object
ipv4.src = src          # setting source address
ipv4.dst = dst          # setting destination address
ipv4.id = 31415         # setting identifier
ipv4.protocol = 6       # setting protocol 6(TCP)
ipv4.data = tcp.packet  # adding TCP Header
ipv4.build()            # building IPv4 Header

ethernet = ETHERNET.Header()  # defining ETHERNET Header object
ethernet.src = src            # setting source address
ethernet.dst = dst            # setting destination address
ethernet.protocol = 0x0800    # setting protocol 0x0800(IPv4)
ethernet.data = ipv4.packet   # adding IPv4 Header
ethernet.build()              # building ETHERNET Header

print(ethernet.packet)    # printing build UDP packet including IPv4 and ETHERNET headers

UDP message encode

from packnet import ETHERNET, IPv4, UDP

src = ["", 0, "11:11:11:11:11:11"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]
dst = ["", 0, "22:22:22:22:22:22"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]

msg = "hello".encode()      # defining UDP payload

udp = UDP.Header()    # defining UDP Header object
udp.src = src         # setting source address
udp.dst = dst         # setting destination address
udp.data = msg        # setting payload
udp.build()           # building UDP Header

ipv4 = IPv4.Header()    # defining IPv4 Header object
ipv4.src = src          # setting source address
ipv4.dst = dst          # setting destination address
ipv4.id = 1234          # setting identifier
ipv4.protocol = 17      # setting protocol 17(UDP)
ipv4.data = udp.packet  # adding UDP Header
ipv4.build()            # building IPv4 Header

ethernet = ETHERNET.Header()  # defining ETHERNET Header object
ethernet.src = src            # setting source address
ethernet.dst = dst            # setting destination address
ethernet.protocol = 0x0800    # setting protocol 0x0800(IPv4)
ethernet.data = ipv4.packet   # adding IPv4 Header
ethernet.build()              # building ETHERNET Header

print(ethernet.packet)    # printing build UDP packet including IPv4 and ETHERNET headers

DNS query encode

from packnet import ETHERNET, IPv4, UDP, DNS

src = ["", 0, "11:11:11:11:11:11"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]
dst = ["", 0, "22:22:22:22:22:22"]   # defining source address ["IP", PORT, "MAC"]

query = DNS.Query()         # defining DNS Query object
query.name = "github.com"   # setting name to be resolved

dns = DNS.Header()          # defining DNS Header object
dns.id = 1234               # setting identifier
dns.question.append(query)  # adding query to header
dns.build()                 # building DNS Header

udp = UDP.Header()      # defining UDP Header object
udp.src = src           # setting source address
udp.dst = dst           # setting destination address
udp.data = dns.packet   # adding DNS Header
udp.build()             # building UDP Header

ipv4 = IPv4.Header()    # defining IPv4 Header object
ipv4.src = src          # setting source address
ipv4.dst = dst          # setting destination address
ipv4.protocol = 17      # setting protocol 17(UDP)
ipv4.data = udp.packet  # adding UDP Header
ipv4.build()            # building IPv4 Header

ethernet = ETHERNET.Header()  # defining ETHERNET Header object
ethernet.src = src            # setting source address
ethernet.dst = dst            # setting destination address
ethernet.protocol = 0x0800    # setting protocol 0x0800(IPv4)
ethernet.data = ipv4.packet   # adding IPv4 Header
ethernet.build()              # building ETHERNET Header

print(ethernet.packet)    # printing build UDP packet including IPv4 and ETHERNET headers


The following snippets of code will serve as an example when reading various types of packets and requiring the information.

ARP decode

from packnet import ETHERNET, ARP

packet = b'""""""\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x08\x06\x00\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x02\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x01\x01\x01\x01""""""\x02\x02\x02\x02'
# ^ packet which must be decoded

ethernet = ETHERNET.Header(packet)    # defining ETHERNET Header object & parsing encoded packet
ethernet.read()                       # reading ETHERNET Header

print( "ETHERNET HEADER" )            # displaying acquired data
print( f" length   { ethernet.length }" )
print( f" source   { ethernet.src }" )
print( f" target   { ethernet.dst }" )
print( f" protocol { ethernet.protocol }" )

if ethernet.protocol == 0x0806:     # check if packet contains an ARP Header
  arp = ARP.Header(ethernet.data)   # defining ARP Header object & parsing encoded data
  arp.read()                        # reading ARP Header

  print( "ARP HEADER" )             # displaying acquired data
  print( f" length    { arp.length }" )
  print( f" source    { arp.src }" )
  print( f" target    { arp.dst }" )
  print( f" operation { arp.op }" )

TCP decode

from packnet import ETHERNET, IPv4, TCP

packet = b'""""""\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x08\x00E\x00\x00(z\xb7@\x00@\x06\xba\x13\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\xd2\x00\x00\x10\xe1P\x00\xfd\xe8\x96C\x00\x00hello'
# ^ packet which must be decoded

ethernet = ETHERNET.Header(packet)    # defining ETHERNET Header object & parsing encoded packet
ethernet.read()                       # reading ETHERNET Header

print( "ETHERNET HEADER" )            # displaying acquired data
print( f" length   { ethernet.length }" )
print( f" source   { ethernet.src }" )
print( f" target   { ethernet.dst }" )
print( f" protocol { ethernet.protocol }" )

if ethernet.protocol == 0x0800:     # check if packet contains an IPv4 Header
  ipv4 = IPv4.Header(ethernet.data) # defining IPv4 Header object & parsing encoded data
  ipv4.read()                       # reading IPv4 Header

  print( "IPv4 HEADER" )            # displaying acquired data
  print( f" length   { ipv4.length }" )
  print( f" source   { ipv4.src }" )
  print( f" target   { ipv4.dst }" )
  print( f" id       { ipv4.id }" )
  print( f" protocol { ipv4.protocol }" )

  if ipv4.protocol == 6:          # check if packet contains an TCP Header
    tcp = TCP.Header(ipv4.data)   # defining TCP Header object & parsing encoded data
    tcp.read()                    # reading TCP Header

    print( "TCP HEADER" )         # displaying acquired data
    print( f" length                 { tcp.length }" )
    print( f" source                 { tcp.src }" )
    print( f" target                 { tcp.dst }" )
    print( f" sequence number        { tcp.seq }" )
    print( f" acknowledgement number { tcp.ack }" )
    for option in tcp.options:
      print( f" option kind { option.kind }" )
    print( f"data { tcp.data }" )

DNS decode

from packnet import ETHERNET, IPv4, UDP, DNS

packet = b'""""""\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x08\x00E\x00\x008\x00\x00@\x00@\x114\xb0\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x02\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00$\xe9\xc3\x04\xd2\x00@\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06github\x03com\x00\x00\x05\x00\x01'
# ^ packet which must be decoded

ethernet = ETHERNET.Header(packet)    # defining ETHERNET Header object & parsing encoded packet
ethernet.read()                       # reading ETHERNET Header

print( "ETHERNET HEADER" )            # displaying acquired data
print( f" length   { ethernet.length }" )
print( f" source   { ethernet.src }" )
print( f" target   { ethernet.dst }" )
print( f" protocol { ethernet.protocol }" )

if ethernet.protocol == 0x0800:     # check if packet contains an IPv4 Header
  ipv4 = IPv4.Header(ethernet.data) # defining IPv4 Header object & parsing encoded data
  ipv4.read()                       # reading IPv4 Header

  print( "IPv4 HEADER" )            # displaying acquired data
  print( f"length    { ipv4.length }" )
  print( f" source   { ipv4.src }" )
  print( f" target   { ipv4.dst }" )
  print( f" protocol { ipv4.protocol }" )
  print( f" id       { ipv4.id }" )

  if ipv4.protocol == 17:         # check if packet contains an UDP Header
    udp = UDP.Header(ipv4.data)   # defining UDP Header object & parsing encoded data
    udp.read()                    # reading UDP Header

    print( "UDP HEADER" )         # displaying acquired data
    print( f" length { udp.length }" )
    print( f" source { udp.src }" )
    print( f" target { udp.dst }" )

    dns = DNS.Header(udp.data)  # defining DNS Header object & parsing encoded data
    dns.read()                  # reading DNS Header

    print( "DNS HEADER" )         # displaying acquired data
    print( f" id { dns.id }" )
    print( f" questions      { len(dns.question) }" )
    print( f" answer RRs     { len(dns.answer) }" )
    print( f" authority RRs  { len(dns.authority) }" )
    print( f" additional RRs { len(dns.additional) }" )

    for question in dns.question:
      print( "DNS QUERY" )         # displaying acquired data
      print( f"name   { question.name }" )
      print( f"type   { question.type }" )
      print( f"classs { question.classif }" )

    for answer in dns.answer:
      print( "DNS ANSWER" )         # displaying acquired data
      print( f"name   { answer.name }" )
      print( f"type   { answer.type }" )
      print( f"classs { answer.classif }" )
      print( f"ttl    { answer.ttl }" )
      print( f"cname  { answer.cname }" )


Interface is a special module which can be used for creating low-level sockets and automatically requiring address information from the specified interface. Below an example from an use case.
Requires SUDO rights!

from packnet import Interface

interface = Interface(card="eth0", port=0, passive=False)

