
Clone, pick your client starter, select the challenge, and learn by doing!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript Coding Nights - Project Starter

This is a shared framework for JSCN meetup projects.

It contains a number of challenges tailored toward experimenting with and learning different technologies via a variety of available application "challenges" to build.

Also, it contains a set of project "starters" which are nice-to-use development environments for experimenting with the specific technology, often based on official project inits, if available.

It is recommended that you star this repository :D

Updating the JSCN Project Starter

With a clean working copy:

git fetch
git rebase origin/master

Available Challenges

Server & Data

You can either run your own local server by running npm install && npm start in the JSCN Project Starter root, or you can consume the API (and share your data/chat with others at the meetup) by pointing your client at our heroku-hosted API:


Challenge Setup

Step 1: Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/jscodingnights/jscn-project-starter.git

Step 2: Create a new branch for your work on the night's task:

git checkout -b jscn-rocks

Step 3: Clone one one of the client starters

For example, if you're working on the us-presidents challenge, and you want to use the React client starter, copy the contents of the starters/React folder into /challenges/us-presidents-react:

cp -R ./starters/React/. ./challenges/us-presidents-react

Step 4: Initial commit

git add --all
git commit -m "Initial Commit"

Step 5: Open your project, npm install, and start coding!

cd challenges/us-presidents
npm install
npm start