
Session notes of JSCraftCamp 2022 for all to read!

JSCraftCamp 2022 - Session notes

We like to collect session notes for all sessions if possible. If you have slides for your session or took notes - please share them with all of us!

Create a directory for the session, add a README.md into it and add a link to it in the table below. Thank you for your support!


TIME Here Matterhorn Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Somewhere else
09:00 Doors open
10:00 Opening & Marketplace
11:00 Session Slot JSCC website hacking (Robert) Form Models (vs domain models) / Interactivity first with NGRX (???) Covid-Karte vanilla JS (Tilmann) Microfrontends Experience Exchange (outside) (Marion) / How to explain TDD so you do it tomorrow (Wolfram)
12:00 Session Slot Cheap website hosting with GitHub pages + actions (Jörn) Code Sharing for React Monorepos (Jakob) Smart Contracts - Introduction: Why Blockchain is not just co??? (Jonathan) Backend APIs with TypeScript (Michael)
13:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Jest & Cucumber Integration? (Marion) / Jest sucks: Alternatives? (Max)
14:00 Session Slot Hands-on TDD Intro (Wolfram) Q&A / AMA IT-Security Tech (Jan) Svelte live coding (Jörn) Offline Capability of Apps (Patrick)
15:00 Session Slot Question: How to real time collaborative apps? (e.g. chat) (Jakob) ESM - MJS ??? (Irena) SolidJS Hands on (Bernd) Questions: Coding Interviews (Jonathan)
16:00 Session Slot Data Bias Design 4 Defaults (talk / discussion) (Irena) Schools of TDD I (Marco) Lightning Tool Talks (Tilmann) Nest.JS Use cases (show yours) (Iaroslav) Q&A / AMA SSO Challenges (Jan)
17:00 Session Slot Schools of TDD II (Marco)
18:00 Evening News
??:?? Doors close


TIME Here Matterhorn Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Somewhere else
09:00 Doors open
10:00 Marketplace React 18 News Suspense (Robert) Thinking use-cases (Max) Morning Kata (JSKatas.org) (Jörn)
11:00 Session Slot Q&A EventSourcing (Jan) Vite?! (Tilman) Smart Contracts II (Tools + Code) (Jonathan) Help me upgrade my Curriculum (Brigitte) Media Blog, Video, Audio (@cowglow) / Discussion: Do we need GraphQL or is Rest enough? (Bene)
12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Sustainability (Wolfram)
13:00 Session Slot JavaScript the Language Meetup IRL (Wolfram) Mint your own NFT (Lars) Question: Angular CDK (Lonely Dan)
14:00 Session Slot Instana? (Robert) Mutation Testing with Stryker (Marco) Intro to DB and Indexes (Max) React Component Library API Design (Jörn) P5JS (@cowglow)
15:00 Session Slot Security contd. (???) Svelte (Corinna) Move from Gatsby to Next?! Discussion (Irena)
16:00 Session Slot Hands-on TDD-Schools (Marco) Q&A / AMA IoT (outside) (Jan)
17:00 Session Slot #buildless NO webpack, NO bundler, YES speed (Wolfram) SBOM (19028) (Simon)
18:00 Review & Closing

List of Session offers

with preliminary time + space coordinates

  • Generate Typescript from OpenAPI,

  • Offline Capabilities of Apps, Patrick, Outside after Luch

  • The jscraftcamp Homepage (gatsby + Storybook + visual regression testing), Robert, matterhorn 11:00

  • Typescript is awesome <3, Tilmann, tomorrow

  • Covid-Karte.de in plain JS, Tilmann, 11:00 1

  • Lightning talks about Tools (inlcudings mocks-server), Tilmann, 16:00 1

  • Solid.js, Bernd, 15:00

  • Discussion: Microfrontends, Marion, outside, before lunch 12:00

  • Data Bias Talk+Discussion, here, 12:00

  • Code Sharing in React Application, Jakob, 12:00 1

  • Fight: Jest is too slow, Max, 11:00 somewhere else

  • Form Models + Interactivity First with Angular, Igor, 11:00 2

  • Cheap Hosting with Github Pages + Actions, 12:00 Matterhorn

  • Security Q and A, Jan+Jonathan, 12:00 Matterhorn

  • nest.js use cases, Jaroslav, 15:00 2

  • Discussion: How to explain TDD so you can do it tomorrow, Wolfram, 11:00 3

  • Smart Contracts Tooling, Jonathan, 12:00 2

  • Question: ems and other module styles in js,

  • Schools of TDD: Theory + Practice, Marco, 16:00 Matterhorn

  • How to build Collaboration Tools - the technology? Jakob

  • Jest + Cucumber integration, Marion, coffe place during/after lunch

  • single sign on challanges, jan, 17:00 3

  • svelte live coding, Jörn, 15:00, 1

  • Questions: coding interviews, Jonathan, outside,

  • Hands on TDD Intro, Wolfram, here, 15:00

  • iot whatever, jan, tomorrow