
Wait for all promises to fulfill, and throw if some fail, after all have fulfilled

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Similar to Promise.map(ary) with some connotations:

  1. If all promises resolve, the global promise resolves, that is identical.

  2. All promises are going to be started, unmap won't

    fulfill until all of them resolve or reject.

  3. If any promises reject, promiseUnmap will reject with an Error containing all errors in its body as err.errors: Array<Error>. The message of the global error will be: "One or more tasks failed". Any fulfillments will also be inside err.fulfillments: Array<any>

  4. If it fulfills, it will resolve the map of fulfillments.


Either const {promiseUnmap} = require('promise-unmap') or import {promiseUnmap} from 'promise-unmap'

It accepts an array of promises or functions that return promises.

const {promiseUnmap} = require('../')

// ...

const ops = [
  async () => 'resolves 1',
  async () => { throw new Error('fails 2') },
  Promise.resolve('resolves 3'),
  async () => 'resolves 4',
  Promise.reject(new Error('fails 5')),
  async () => 'resolves 6',

  .catch(err => {


Chain calls, return all results, throw if any errors.

it('should fail with mixed requests in serial', function(done) {
    .catch(err => {

t('should not fail if all are passing in serial', function(done) {
    .then(results => {


It is pretty obscure, read with caution. Basically consists on wrapping all promises with a safe catch, to later processing the results.

It is written in typescript. A type Future is defined as a promise or an async function (something that returns a promise). This way we can warrantee that promises are not started until they are called.

type Future = Promise | () => Promise

A typeof check is performed to know whether the future should begin or it is an unfulfilled promise that we must await.

export function promiseUnmap (futures: Array<Future>) {
  return Promise.all(futures.map(f => {
    return typeof f === 'function'
      ? f().catch((err: Error) => err)
      : f.catch((err: Error) => err)
  })).then((results: Array<any>) => {
    if (results.some(r => r instanceof Error)) {
      throw new PromiseUnmapError(results)
    return results

The following method, promiseUnmapSerial has been defined to enqueue such futures, to safely execute a number of asynchronous functions, without interfering one another (or await serially for promises to finish, but for that we already have bluebird's mapSeries)

export function promiseUnmapSerial (futures: Array<Future>) {
  const safePromises = futures.map(f => {
    const p = typeof f === 'function' ? f() : f
    return p.catch(err => err)

  return safePromises.reduce((accPromises, currPromise) =>
    accPromises.then(accResults => 
      currPromise.then(currResult => [...accResults, currResult])
  , Promise.resolve([]))
    .then(results => {
      if (results.some((r: any) => r instanceof Error)) {
        return Promise.reject(new PromiseUnmapError(results))
      return results