This is a readme from next.js 13 boilerplate.
Boilerplate to help developers to have a fast project configuration using the most recent next version and some tools to improve the developer experience.
Check our π example
- π₯ Next.js for Static Site Generator
- π¨ Integrate with Tailwind CSS
- π Type checking TypeScript
- β Strict Mode for TypeScript and React 17
- βοΈ Linter with ESLint (default NextJS, NextJS Core Web Vitals and Airbnb configuration)
- π Code Formatter with Prettier
- π¦ Husky for Git Hooks
- π« Lint-staged for running linters on Git staged files
- π VSCode configuration: Debug, Settings, Tasks and extension for PostCSS, ESLint, Prettier, TypeScript
- π€ SEO metadata, JSON-LD and Open Graph tags with Next SEO
- βοΈ Bundler Analyzer
- π Include a FREE minimalist theme
- π― Maximize lighthouse score
- π₯ SWC instead of babel
- π redux, redux-saga and next-redux-wrapper
- π react-lazy-loader-component and html-react-parser
- π next-useragent and classnames
- π¦ react-hook-form and yup
- π¨ PlopJS and Axios
- π Env and Docker
βββ # README file
βββ next.config.js # Next JS configuration
βββ components # Components folder
βββ @types # TypeScript models
βββ public # Public folder
β βββ assets
β βββ images # Image used by default template
β βββ features # Features folder
β βββ routers # Routers folder
β βββ generators # Generators folder
β βββ pages # Next JS pages
β βββ styles # PostCSS style folder with Tailwind
β βββ store # Store file redux and redux-saga
β βββ libs # Libs folder
βββ tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
βββ tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
brew install nvm
Node.js v18
nvm install v18.12.0
npm install -g pnpm
Docker Desktop Download
Requires Node >=14.x
Install NPM packages:
pnpm install
To start the application in the development mode run:
pnpm dev
To build the application for production, run:
pnpm build
To lint the application run:
pnpm lint
To docker the application build:
pnpm docker:prod:build
To docker the application start:
pnpm docker:prod:start
To docker the application stop:
pnpm docker:prod:stop
pnpm generate
After this, select if you want to create a page or component and set the name.
You can change the templates and settings of generator at path generators
on project root.