- 1
Spread Operator Fails On Inline Function Calls
#29 opened by epmatsw - 12
Comments in cjsx
#13 opened by jonywtf - 0
- 2
Release coffee-react-jstransform
#41 opened by cia48621793 - 0
Upgrade to CoffeeScript 1.11.0
#40 opened by cia48621793 - 0
Can the compile method return a map?
#38 opened by justinwyllie - 2
react 14.x and 15.x supported?
#34 opened by auvipy - 2
Warning with React 15
#36 opened by karevn - 1
Spread operator doesn't evaluate internals
#33 opened by ElliotChong - 7
Update CoffeeScript dependency
#37 opened by ezekg - 4
Dependencies are out of date
#28 opened by jez - 7
Custom element is not supported.
#18 opened by qdrk - 1
- 0
No context for unclosed element errors
#32 opened by hurrymaplelad - 2
Request: Support CoffeeKup/Coffeecup Syntax
#12 opened by m1sta - 0
#27 opened by mxseev - 6
displayName not automatically set
#11 opened by Ahrengot - 2
ReactClass does not have the displayName property?
#26 opened by xiaoDC - 0
Tabs don't count as whitespace
#25 opened by randomer - 0
`style={color: 0xfff}` planned?
#24 opened by danschumann - 2
Can coffee-react be used directly in a Browser?
#23 opened by hanzhao - 0
- 1
Getting unexpected indentation errors while nesting tags and aligning tag attributes
#20 opened by rmoorman - 3
CJSX splats not handling newlines consistently
#19 opened by stwr667 - 5
Enable 'cjsx -w <directory>'
#8 opened by tugend - 3
is production ready?
#16 opened by itoldya - 1
Error: Cannot find module 'mkdirp'
#15 opened by hixus - 2
use React.__spread instead of Object.assign
#14 opened by roodboi - 1
Multiple base files with -c command
#9 opened by derekdowling - 2
Upgrade to coffee-react-transform 2.0
#10 opened by emorikawa - 1
- 2
#5 opened by ryanolson