
Full Stack Website of SudurTech

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Website with CRUD and Auth Functions

This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running. demo


How To Start Development

in Windows

  • install ruby from official website
  • install rails
    gem install rails
  • clone the project
    git clone https://github.com/jsdhami/SudurTech.git
    cd /CRUDAuth-Rails-App
  • go to install the bundle
    bundle install
  • run the rails server
    rails s

How To Start Test

  • start test server
    rails server -p 5017
  • start cypress
    yarn cypress open --project ./spec

in Linux

comming soon......

Used Technology

  • Ruby On Rails
  • Bootstrap
  • Cypress
  • sqlite