
Compare-IntuneBackupFile does not compare sub properties

enoorden opened this issue · 2 comments

The Compare-IntuneBackupFile function only loops through the toplevel properties.


"applicationGuardForceAuditing":  false,
"applicationGuardBlockClipboardSharing":  "notConfigured",
"applicationGuardAllowPrintToPDF":  false,
"bitLockerSystemDrivePolicy":  {
    "encryptionMethod":  "xtsAes128",
    "prebootRecoveryUrl":  null,
    "recoveryOptions":  {
        "blockDataRecoveryAgent":  false,
         "recoveryPasswordUsage":  "allowed",
         "recoveryKeyUsage":  "allowed",
         "hideRecoveryOptions":  true,
         "enableRecoveryInformationSaveToStore":  true,
         "recoveryInformationToStore":  "passwordAndKey",
         "enableBitLockerAfterRecoveryInformationToStore":  true

in given example, everything under bitLockerSystemDrivePolicy is ignored for comparison.
would be nice if it could loop through nested properties as well

Thanks for opening this issue. Will look into this.

This issue is fixed in the v1.3.0 release