PowerShell Module that queries Microsoft Graph, and allows for cross-tenant Backup & Restore actions of your Intune Configuration.
- 0
- 2
Unsupported Browser
#79 opened by jako43 - 2
- 8
- 0
I cannot authenticate with -certificate parameter in requiered connect-msgraph as in connect-mggraph -certificate
#75 opened by JManuMartinez - 0
- 0
Compare-IntuneBackupDirectories fails for plicies with [] in the name (like Autopatch policies)
#73 opened by ztrhgf - 0
macOS - Shell Scripts and Custom attributes
#72 opened by Fredrik81 - 4
#71 opened by condoreddie - 0
- 1
400 bad request restoring EDR settings
#60 opened by ichill55 - 3
ConfigurationProfile - single json restore
#67 opened by mkoprivnj - 0
Windows 365 Cloud PC settings?
#66 opened by Neckross - 1
Invoke-MSGraphRequest : 404 Not Found
#64 opened by bcreidie - 2
- 0
- 0
Error restoring VPN Profile: Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceConfiguration - [Profile Name] - Failed to restore Device Configuration (Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceConfiguration : 400 Bad Request)
#58 opened by gmarnold25 - 0
- 0
App configuration policies not saved
#56 opened by afetscher - 0
Issue while backing up environment
#55 opened by ThijsLecomte - 2
- 5
- 4
- 7
400 Bad Request when importing custom settings
#39 opened by JelleMarc - 2
Compare-IntuneBackupDirectories handling for new (added) files in DifferenceDirectory
#17 opened by R3ality - 2
Compare-IntuneBackupFile Depth Overflow
#31 opened by jonathan-ford - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
Proactive remediations aren't backed up
#46 opened by ztrhgf - 1
- 0
- 0
Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceConfiguration > "400 Bad Request" for custom profiles that contain XML content
#41 opened by Beer2Beer1 - 2
ESP and Deployment Profile
#30 opened by nitram-rem - 3
App Protection Policy Targeted Apps Missing
#37 opened by RJLucas123 - 1
- 3
- 7
- 3
Getting all clients apps
#38 opened by StevenVBeek - 2
Unable to restore policies
#35 opened by SAYANKO - 4
- 0
Module Requirements
#33 opened by schenardie - 5
Invoke-IntuneRestoreDeviceConfiguration : 400 Bad Request while restoring endpoint protection policy
#26 opened by tehmichael - 6
- 7
- 3
- 0
Update to include missing items
#22 opened by CraigHume - 0
Remove invalid characters from filenames
#21 opened by CraigHume - 1
Can it be used to clone single policy?
#20 opened by SergGu - 2
PowerShell script encoding changes
#19 opened by AlwaysLearningTech