Issue while backing up environment
ThijsLecomte opened this issue · 0 comments
Running in some weirds issues trying to backup certain policies.
This is the error I get when backing up a Delivery Optimization policy (Profile type: Delivery Optimization)
Invoke-MSGraphRequest : 403 Forbidden
{"error":{"code":"Forbidden","message":"{\r\n "_version": 3,\r\n "Message": "Application is not authorized to perform this operation. Application must have one of the
following scopes: DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All - Operation ID (for customer support): 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - Activity ID:
2578f4a3-00e0-4699-bde7-e699fabc1086 - Url:
f216dd379_14381b43-02e4-474f-80e3-da9a82e80c7f_f87fa2de-ff49-4135-b077-7c29f0a6ab70%27%29?api-version=5022-02-22",\r\n "CustomApiErrorPhrase": "",\r\n "RetryAfter":
null,\r\n "ErrorSourceService": "",\r\n "HttpHeaders":
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\IntuneBackupAndRestore\3.2.0\Public\Invoke-IntuneBackupDeviceConfiguration.ps1:51 char:40
- ... tingValue = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -HttpMethod GET -Url "deviceManagem ...
- CategoryInfo : ConnectionError: (@{Request=; Response=}:PSObject) [Invoke-MSGraphRequest], HttpRequestException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : PowerShellGraphSDK_HttpRequestError,Microsoft.Intune.PowerShellGraphSDK.PowerShellCmdlets.InvokeRequest
Same goes for Endpoint Analytics policy and custom policy for Update Compliance.
All other policies worked fine, I connected through an application which only had read permissions