- 4
Reconfiguring areas needed again
#372 opened by Patrick1610 - 2
- 1
Timer Reset (Area Presence Hold / configurable Entity)
#371 opened by hirsts - 6
Lights not turning on when presence is detected
#325 opened by twindebank - 1
- 3
Area got locked to "occupied" state when sensor sends a sequence of "off" states.
#318 opened by juacas - 1
High CPU usage for zero interval for missing events
#328 opened by juacas - 3
- 3
Bug: Nothing happens after installation. This integration is automatically configured on load. You don't need to manually add the integration on this UI. Your Magic Areas should be already on the integrations page. Use Home Assistant's built-in areas to create new ones and manage entities.
#317 opened by makp0 - 3
Bug: 2024.2 error after update.
#316 opened by hyperfive - 4
- 6
2024.2 Magic Area did not start
#308 opened by fisch55 - 3
Bug: MA broken on restart : Non-thread-safe operation invoked - 3.1.0-beta
#313 opened by Julien-Decoen - 5
Bug: Presence hold timeout not long enough
#287 opened by bmcclure - 0
Bug: Config flow issue for 3.1.0-beta
#312 opened by Julien-Decoen - 2
ERROR [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform 'magic_areas.climate': Platform not found (Exception importing custom_components.magic_areas.climate).
#304 opened by juacas - 5
Bug: connectivity sensor should return off if at least one sensor is not connected
#271 opened by klatka - 6
Bug: Some Areas Fail to Turn on Lights (But Presence is Detected) - Root Cause Found
#296 opened by 503Dev - 1
Bug: Turning on a light and then entering an area causes the light to turn off
#258 opened by sjthespian - 2
Bug: Dead lock when Magic area is assigned to its Area
#255 opened by juacas - 1
Bug: Area presence binary sensor including binary sensors without device classes
#295 opened by chen-ye - 4
Climate issue 2024.1
#297 opened by collateral87 - 4
Bug: Settings being overwritten on update
#259 opened by sjthespian - 11
Light Control not working for most Areas
#261 opened by Zipties - 2
- 2
- 2
- 9
- 1
- 3
Rooms not loading
#278 opened by Patrick1610 - 4
- 6
- 18
Incorrect occupancy with two motion sensors
#244 opened by hirsts - 3
Bug: Home Assistant 2023.1.0b4: TypeError: AreaEntry.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'aliases'
#265 opened by ovitters - 2
Can't use Sun Integration as dark state?
#256 opened by itz-Jana - 4
- 1
Bug: light group secondary states - entity restricted to a single state for activation
#253 opened by maxfield-allison - 3
Removing (all) lights from a certain group doesn't work
#248 opened by tbrasser - 4
Optional configs not optional
#236 opened by thoppa - 1
Bug: turning off sleep state turns on sleep lights before turning off overhead lights
#238 opened by mouth4war - 9
Config flow could not be loaded: undefined
#215 opened by navarro152 - 3
Areas are showing occupancy after HA update
#218 opened by grinco - 10
Area Humidity sensor doesn't get created
#208 opened by mihsu81 - 3
- 2
Log warning: Deprecated 'async_get_registry' after upgrade to 2022.6.3
#213 opened by ShadowFistOkami - 2
Wiki - Presence hold - timeout
#209 opened by maxfield-allison - 0
FEATURE request . Wasp in a box logic
#219 opened by dvbit - 0
Request: Support ambient lighting?
#220 opened by bmcclure - 1
Utilize scene.turn_on instead of turning on ALL lights when presence detected
#216 opened by rsnodgrass - 3