Python Script to process text files and return status of instruments. Helm Chart Included
Kubernetes Cluster Helm Chart
Ideally, some sort of ingress but port-forward will work for POC
cd chart/cmg
helm install cmg ./cmg-0.1.0.tgz
kubectl --namespace default port-forward service/cmg 8080:80
curl -X POST -F file=@data.txt http://localhost:8080/process
{"hum-1":"Keep","hum-2":"Discard","temp-1":"Precise","temp-2":"Ultra Precise"}
Running Multiple Pods
❯ kubectl get pods
cmg-7f5d76ddb9-ml6cv 1/1 Running 0 19s
cmg-7f5d76ddb9-pmdq2 1/1 Running 0 19s
- Input file format is less than ideal.
- Currently adding additional devices/rules requires editing the source code. Would be preferable if data ingestion could be seperate from business rules.
- No CI/CD Process is in place. Would be nice to have time to configure Circle/Travis/Github Action to Spin up a KIND cluster, deploy the chart and verify it runs.
- Helm Chart is not published.
- No tests for python code. Since I knew I wouldnt get to a CI process, I didnt see any point in spending my 4 hours on the tests.
- No Infra code. I only have access to AWS, and I didnt want to pay for the spend to spin up physical resources via TF.
Extend this function
# Each Devices needs a rule to return its status
def rule_validation(device_type, name, metrics, ref_temp, ref_humidity):
"""Determine Rules for Device types"""
metrics = list(map(float, metrics))
if device_type == "thermometer":
return check_thermometer(metrics, ref_temp)
elif device_type == "humidity":
return check_humidity(metrics, ref_humidity)
Then add a custom validation function for that device type.
def check_something(metrics, ref_temp):
return "Pass"