
  1. Clone repo
  2. Generate statement from Lightyear for 2021 in CSV
  • Note: you can generate up to current month as well but USD->EUR rates aren't availabl for all months in 2022 yet
  1. Add it to the folder somewhere
  2. in src/pnl.js set the statement folder correctly
    await readStatement('./statements/LightyearStatement-2021-06-22_2022-04-13.csv', ...)
  1. node src/pnl.js
  2. For every sell you'll get a log line
2021-12-20: Sold 3.03763657 shares for €163.923 of PFE, bought for €113.125 (average buying price: €37.241 -- selling price: €53.964 pnl: 50.798
  1. You fill this in to the tax reporting,
  • You still need to look up the ISIN code of the symbol, this is not allowed to be distributes
  • Country is also not included in the instrument data, in case of ADRs fill in the country of the HQ
  • Quantity, Acquisition Cose and Market Price is in the log, PnL will be recalculated on EMTA
