The battle system used in the game is available as an example for anyone who wants to roll their own turn-based battle system in Ren'Py.
A description and download for the game is available at:
The primary concern was building some sort of workable scripting system for enemies. In the game, the player's character is also controlled using this script, creating a fully automatic battle (ie: AI vs AI). However, building your own menu system to directly control the player's actions is not impossible.
In a nutshell:
- The Actor class contains information about stats, equipment, and other information about each participant in a battle.
- An Actor must be created for each character appearing in a battle
- Every Actor has one or more BattleRules.
- Every BattleRule:
- Watches an Actor or group of Actors
- Has a Condition that must be met to be activated
- Has a BattleAction that is used on the condition being met
- Has a target for that BattleAction
- Actors must be added to a BattleActors group. BattleActors are used in the battle screens and loop.