
Docker container and utilities for Jekyll sites

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Jekyll


  1. Install Docker
  2. Run the installer
docker-compose run serve bundle exec jekyll new .
  1. You have a Jekyll blog setup


  1. Build the site
docker-compose run build
  1. The built site is in the _site directory

TODO: Also explain how to deploy on GitHub sites

Helpful commands:

Draft new post

docker-compose run draft "My New Page"

Publish a post

# --date is optional
docker-compose run publish _drafts/my-new-draft.md --date 2014-01-24

Unpublish a post

docker-compose run unpublish _posts/2014-01-24-my-new-draft.md

Check SEO

# -k are the keywords to check
# -p is the post
docker-compose run checkseo -k "welcome to jekyll" -p ../dist/welcome-to-jekyll.html