Openpose joint fix

An add-on for openpose (human pose estimation) for the assessment and correction of predicted keypoints.


  • openpose python api
  • kivy
  • opencv
  • python 3+

How to use it

  • Configure openpose so that environment variables from the python api are available in your path (refer openpose )
  • From terminal call python
  • Select and Load the video from the menu on the left.
  • Analyze the results by manipulating the video controlls at the bottom of the video section.
  • To fix any given joint clic on the label name corresponding to that joint and then click over the screen to correct the coordinates.
  • Repeat the process per frame by moving back and forth.
  • Export results by clicking on Export



  • Add visual representation for modified keypoints
  • Add popup message when Exporting is finished.