Simple command line client for the wonderful faker pacakge allowing one to quickly mock random user data
You can build and install the official repository with Go:
go get
gofaker address
gofaker adult [--min=<years>] [--max=<years>] (age|dob [-Y|-M|-D|--fmt=<fmt>])
gofaker city
gofaker country [--short]
gofaker email
gofaker name [first|last]
gofaker password [<min> <max>]
gofaker phone [--short]
gofaker (postal-code|zip) [--state=<state>]
gofaker sex [--short] [--lower]
gofaker state [--short] [-n <val,>]
gofaker street
gofaker street2
gofaker ssn [--short] [--now]
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--short Return shortform of relevant data.
--min=<years> Lower age limit for fake adult generation [default: 18].
--max=<years> Upper age limit for fake adult generation [default: 69].
--fmt=<fmt> Timestamp formatter, uses the magical reference date of:
"Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006"/"2006-01-02".
--not <val,>, -n <val,> Blacklist specific string values, comma separated.
--now Creates an SSN from the first 9 characters of the current timestamp.
- see for help with timestamp formatting