
Identify memory and processor usage of functions and modules in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Identify memory and processor usage of functions and modules in node.js


It is recommended to install cleartrace globally, so you get access to the log parsing functionality

npm install cleartrace -g

Getting started

NOTE: Make sure your require and initialise cleartrace as THE FIRST MODULE, as it won't trace the modules that were loaded before it.

var ct = require('cleartrace').init({
	appName: "myApp"

You can set the following options

  • appName - This is required, we won't log anything without an appName
  • log - An object that configures the logging
    • path - Where to store the log, default is "./"
    • name - Base name of the file, it will be appName + log.name, default is "log.json"
    • period - How often to rotate the logs, default is "1d"
    • totalFiles - How many log files to keep, default is 10
    • rotateExisting - Do we rotate existing files, default is true
    • totalSize - How much space to allow in total for all log files, default is "100m"
    • threshold - How much space to allow per file, default is "10m"
    • gzip - Should we gzip rotated files, default is true
  • proxy - An object to configure how the 'require' proxy works
    • autoStart - Should we start capturing proxied info straight away, default is true
    • skipNodeModules - Should we skip any files in the node modules directory, default is true
    • skipNodeModules - Should we skip any files in the node modules directory, default is true
    • nodeModules - path to search in a filename, for skipping, default is "node_modules"
    • useNativeProxy - Should we use the native Proxy function to track modifications on the original module. Set to false if you're having issues with functions not being able to be cast toString, default is true
  • proxies - An array of other proxies to load, default is ['async'], you can add custom proxies here


By default, we will capture module and function information, however any async methods that you employ should be captured on an individual basis with the "async" method:


For example:

var ct = require('cleartrace').init({
	appName: "myApp"
//	Install our async callback proxy
//	Passing in optional (but very useful) parameters
myAsyncFunction(ct.async(callbackFunction, {
	origin: "function",
	filename: require.resolve('./mymodule.js')

NOTE: This MUST be called inline, ie: don't call it before the callback would normally be called, so stuff like this won't work:

var wontBeTracedCallback = ct.async(callbackFunction);

Parsing the logs

In order to parse the log, and find useful information, you can use cleartrace from the commandline.


Find top 3 slowest functions

cleartrace myApp.log.json -l 3


myApp.myFunction	556.0 kB	209ms
myApp.myFunction	528.0 kB	198ms
myApp.myFunction	432.0 kB	128ms

The columns shown are: method, rss, time

Find top 3 memory use functions

cleartrace myApp.log.json -s rss -l 3


myApp.myFunction	1256.0 kB	209ms
myApp.myFunction	1238.2 kB	198ms
myApp.myFunction	1211.4 kB	128ms

Find top 3 rss memory usage for a particular function ('myFunction'), show results in JSON format

cleartrace myApp.log.json -s rss -f 'funcName' -n 'myFunction' -l 3 -d json

As you can see, in JSON format, we get all the details - you can use this to create graphs or export the data for a dashboard, etc...

NOTE: Run the tool on the commandline for more details on how to use it, theres also the option to execute bespoke reports, see /lib/reports/memoryleak.report.js for an example.


There are currently two proxies included: require and async, you can make your own proxy if you so desire, be sure to look through lib/proxy.js, it has the following convenience methods:

  • proxies.after - this proxy runs after the original method has been run
  • proxies.around - this proxy runs both before and after the method is run, ie: so you can capture info before and after the method is run
  • proxies.async.around - this proxy runs both before and after the method is run, ie: so you can capture info before and after the method is run, it assumes that the method you're running is asynchronous, so that it calls the before method immediately, then the after method immediately after the asynchronous method is called.

The expected arguments are:

proxy(args, emit)

Where args is an object with arguments, and emit is a the function that is used to emit logging information.

Note: Check the lib/proxies directory for example proxies.