- 1
Archive the repo?
#1675 opened by ShockwaveNN - 4
big font in reviews
#1674 opened by dmnc-net - 1
Dropdown menu for packages broken
#1618 opened by azumukupoe - 2
[Suggestion] Allows ES to put the Twitch module without the twitch link on description
#1619 opened by Rysanlos - 2
Empty Whishlist Button not show
#1627 opened by FabioManoel1977 - 2
Functionality to select more than one item in the steam inventory to transform into gems
#1628 opened by Tigas1337 - 1
[Suggestion] / [Feature request]
#1629 opened by zzzspawn - 1
[Feature request] developer/publisher searching
#1630 opened by alidan - 1
Sort Achievements seems to be broken at the moment
#1631 opened by rhulha - 1
Market error
#1632 opened by Ev33r - 1
Feature Request: Steam Controller config opener
#1633 opened by jfwerner - 1
I can not add custom amount of money
#1634 opened by rafaelqma - 1
Friends List Addition
#1635 opened by mrbenio - 1
community market
#1637 opened by LeonardoBrabu - 1
[BUG] Flags icons not showing
#1636 opened by mmateusu - 1
Hardware Survey Numbers
#1638 opened by ASBaumgarten - 1
No Australian Pricing
#1639 opened by brandon-robertson-dev - 2
[Feature request] SteamPlay Compatability
#1640 opened by pkkid - 4
Current Lowest Price and Historical Lowest Price are not showing for some games
#1641 opened by Gimlao - 1
"How Long to Beat" link suggest misses games with unusual punctuation in titles
#1642 opened by afbagwell - 3
SInce Steam's latest change, Enhanced Steam no longer hides Not Interested in search.
#1643 opened by SabreRunner - 1
Current/Historical Price for Soundtrack takes me to unrelated pages
#1644 opened by SmokePuddingEveryday - 1
ES causes page lag on inventories with lots of items.
#1645 opened by TheOddball - 1
it's causing weird behaviour inside the MARKET,
#1647 opened by heynando - 1
Early Access image banners causes broken dropdown menu
#1648 opened by azumukupoe - 1
No Ukraine Pricing
#1649 opened by baxenko - 1
Add a good website to the database, to compare Current and Lowest Historical Price
#1650 opened by klardyus - 1
Integration of protondb
#1651 opened by liz-desartiges - 1
Easy system the cost of the cards
#1652 opened by Bezposadki - 1
It's awfully uncomfortable!
#1653 opened by Sulizab - 7
Steam's store fails to load
#1654 opened by avi12 - 1
DRM Valeroa in City Patrol: Police
#1655 opened by haboutnnah - 2
enhanced steam bug with preview background
#1657 opened by khalanle - 1
% difference in regional prices is missing
#1658 opened by RDru - 2
Steam Color Themes Not Working
#1659 opened by folvos - 2
Steam charts
#1660 opened by HAL6000 - 3
No isthereanydeal links
#1661 opened by TuTAH1 - 1
China price is missing
#1662 opened by buglivecatcher - 1
I cant change my steam color and theme.
#1663 opened by Brayyze - 2
instant sell dont appear to me
#1665 opened by Kyweev - 2
Custom Profile Themes
#1666 opened by Art-em1s - 2
- 1
Store Insignia Bug
#1668 opened - 1
Cross-Origin Read Blocking error
#1670 opened by wolfnether - 4
Price History not showing
#1671 opened by MaxRavenclaw - 1
Search Market History
#1672 opened by ThaChillera - 1
Standalone version
#1673 opened by Bluscream - 0
"See all" button doesn't work at "Hide" filter options
#1656 opened by Mr-Blondie - 0
Current and Historical prices all showing as £0.00
#1626 opened by Nistua93 - 0