
A docker instance for the jbuehl/solaredge python project

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This is still heavily a work in progress to better understand the process to capture data from the SolarEdge inverters using the pacakges from jbuehl/solaredge.

I have a hard-wired Ethernet connection to the inverter and I'm mirroring the traffic with my Ubiquiti EdgeSwitch to a dedicated port on my Linux server

Lessons Learned

  • se2state.py requires an existing initialized json file for output. I think I lucked into getting one using the process gleaned from jbuehl/solaredge#107. You take the first output file output.json from tcpdump -i eno2 -s 65535 -w - 'tcp and host' | python /solaredge/semonitor.py -vvv | tee /solaredge/data/output.json | python /solaredge/conversion/se2state.py -i /solaredge/data/output.json -o /solaredge/data/solar.json and copy it to solar.json. I think you only have to do this once but YMMV.