
Control and listen to OBS via OSC

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Control and listen to OBS via OSC protocol

OSCforOBS copySmall


Requires: obs-websocket plugin v5.0 and above (This is included in OBS v28)

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-Make sure you place the application in a folder with permissions to read and write:

  • If on Mac: Place OSC for OBS in Applications folder
  • If on PC: Place OSC for OBS in a root folder such as C:/
  • Configure the input fields
  • Successfully "Connect"
  • The window will open a "DevTools" window
    • Make sure it's on the "Console" tab, not "Elements"
  • In the "Console" tab it will log IP and Port info, the number of available scenes, and a list of all scenes with numbers
    • This can be used as an index argument in your /scene OSC message
  • To save a config file with "Save As" please "Connect" first
  • When you close OSC for OBS it will save your configuration for when you open next
  • There is an option in 'File > Automatically Connect on Startup' that if enabled will automatically connect on opening OSC for OBS

Application OSC -> OSC for OBS

  • In your OSC Application (QLab for example) patch your targeted OSC to match the "OSC IN" inputs on OSC for OBS.
    • default is... IP:, Port: 3333
  • DO NOT Use UNDERSCORES in OBS. Only use them in your OSC Address. So, If your OBS Scene or Source name contains a SPACE, then in your OSC message replace the SPACE with an UNDERSCORE.
    • Example: if OBS Scene name is Scene 1, then your OSC address should use Scene_1.
      • Note: If OBS names contain UNDERSCORES this will not work.
  • OSC for OBS can be used for any application that transmits and/or receives unbundled OSC.
    • This was designed with QLab, so the example show file of all the OSC commands is available in Assets on the Github or in the downloaded folder: "Qlab OBSosc Examples.qlab4"
      • Note: Sending OSC Commands requires a paid version of Qlab.

OSC Command List:

Note: a space in the notated syntax indicates the separation between address and argument's

Example: /scene "Scene 1" would be...

address argument 1 argument 2 argument ect...
/scene Scene 1

- Trigger Scenes: -

by Name in Argument

/scene [scene name]

  • activate a scene by name in the OSC argument.
    • Example: /scene Wide will activate a scene named "Wide" in OBS.
    • Note: SPACES will work ok for this format, so /scene Webcam 1 is valid syntax
    • In QLab you can use quotations to wrap into a single argument: /scene "Webcam 1"

by Index as Scene

/scene [index number]

  • activate a scene with the index associated from the logged list.
    • Example: /scene 1 will activate the first scene in OBS.
    • Note: Floats will be rounded down.
      • Example: /scene 1.9 = /scene 1

by Name in Address


  • activate a scene by name in the OSC address.
    • Example: /scene/Wide will activate a scene named "Wide" in OBS.
    • Note: If a scene name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a scene "Webcam 1" make OSC message: /scene/Webcam_1

by TouchOSC

/scene/[scene_name] Value 0 to 1

  • activates a scene with name in address and a value of 1 with TouchOSC
    • Example: /scene/Wide and a value of 0 to 1 will activate the scene "Wide" in OBS
    • Note: If a scene name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a scene "Webcam 1" make OSC message: /scene/Webcam_1
    • See "OBS -> Application" for feedback of active scenes

Next Scene


  • activates the next scene in the list, if this is triggered on the last scene it will go to the first scene

Previous Scene


  • activates the previous scene in the list, if this is triggered on the first scene it will go to the last scene

- Set Transition Type and Duration: -

/[type]/transition [duration]

  • sets the desired transition and duration(in milliseconds).
    • Example: /Cut/transition will change the current Scene Transition to "Cut". /Fade/transition 5000 will set the current Scene Transition to "Fade" with a "5000" millisecond duration (5 seconds).
      • Note: [type] must be identical to Transition Type name in OBS:
        • Fade, Cut, Stinger, Fade_to_Color, Luma_Wipe, Slide, Swipe, and Custom Transition Names. This also works with the Move plugin.
      • If you do not set a duration in the 1st argument it will keep the current duration and log what it is.

- Set Source Visibility On/Off: -

/[scene_name]/[source_name]/visible [0, off, false or 1, on, true]

  • turn on or off the source's visibility.
    • Example: /Webcam_1/Audio_Input_Capture/visible 0 will turn OFF "Audio Input Capture" source in OBS from scene "Webcam 1". Where as /Webcam_1/Text_1/visible 1 will turn it ON.
    • NOTE: If a scene name or source name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a scene "Webcam 1" and a source name of "Text 1" make OSC message the example from above.

- Set Filter Visibility On/Off: -

/[scene_name]/[source_name]/filterVisibility [0, off, false or 1, on, true]

  • turn on or off the source's filter visibility.
    • Example: /Video_Input/Color_Correction/filterVisibiltity 0 will turn OFF filter named "Color Correction" in OBS from source "Video Input". Where as /Video_Input/Color_Correction/filterVisibility 1 will turn it ON.
    • Note: If a filter name or source name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a filter "Color Correction" and a source name of "Video Input" make OSC message the example from above.

- Set Text (for FreeType 2 ONLY): -

/[source_name]/setText [text content] [size(optional)] [font (optional)]

  • change text content, size, and font.
    • Note: Size and Font are optional
    • Note: This will not work with 'GDI+', so use 'FreeType 2' instead. On PC you can find it in 'Add > Depricated'
    • Example: /text_1/setText "Hello World." will change the text contents of source "text 1" to "Hello World."
    • Example 2: /text_1/setText "Hello World." 150 Arial will change the same as above and change the size to 150 pt and Font to 'Arial'

- Set Opacity: -

/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/opacity [0 thru 1]

  • adjust the Opacity of a source via the "Color Correction" filter in OBS of the current scene.
    • Example: /Text_1/Color_Correction/opacity 0.5 will make "Text 1" half transparent.
    • Note: If a source name or filter name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a source "Text 1" and filter "Color Correction" make OSC message the example from above)

- Set "Color Correction" Filter Properties: -


/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/gamma [-3 thru 3]

  • Adjust the Gamma of a source via the "Color Correction" filter in OBS of the current scene.
    • 0 is the default vaule
    • Example: /Text_1/Color_Correction/gamma 3 will make "Text 1" gamma at highest setting.
    • Note: If a source name or filter name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a source "Text 1" and filter "Color Correction" make OSC message the example from above)


/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/contrast [-2 thru 2]

  • Adjust the Contrast of a source via the "Color Correction" filter in OBS of the current scene.
    • 0 is the default vaule
    • Example: /Text_1/Color_Correction/contrast 2 will make "Text 1" contrast at highest setting.
    • Note: If a source name or filter name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a source "Text 1" and filter "Color Correction" make OSC message the example from above)


/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/brightness [-1 thru 1]

  • Adjust the Brightness of a source via the "Color Correction" filter in OBS of the current scene.
    • 0 is the default vaule
    • Example: /Text_1/Color_Correction/brightness 1 will make "Text 1" brightness at highest setting.
    • Note: If a source name or filter name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a source "Text 1" and filter "Color Correction" make OSC message the example from above)


/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/saturation [-1 thru 5]

  • Adjust the Contrast of a source via the "Color Correction" filter in OBS of the current scene.
    • 0 is the default vaule
    • Example: /Text_1/Color_Correction/contrast 5 will make "Text 1" saturation at highest setting.
    • Note: If a source name or filter name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a source "Text 1" and filter "Color Correction" make OSC message the example from above)

Hue Shift

/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/hueShift [-180 thru 180]

  • Adjust the Contrast of a source via the "Color Correction" filter in OBS of the current scene.
    • 0 is the default vaule
    • Example: /Text_1/Color_Correction/contrast 180 will make "Text 1" hue shift at highest setting.
    • Note: If a source name or filter name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a source "Text 1" and filter "Color Correction" make OSC message the example from above)

- Translate Source's Position: -

/[scene_name]/[source_name]/position [x] [y]

  • change sources position by x and y values. This also changes the alignment to center the bounding box to the x and y values.
    • Example: /Webcam_1/Text_1/position 0 0 this changes the source to center of the screen, as long as the alignment is cewnter. See "Qlab OSC Examples" file for how to automate positions.
    • Note: This is only tested for a "Canvas Size" of 1920x1080 in OBS. Also, If a scene name or source name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a scene "Webcam 1" and a source name of "Text 1" make OSC message the example from above.

- Translate Source's Scale: -

/[scene_name]/[source_name]/scale [float]

  • change the source's scale. 0 is nothing, 1 is original full size. Negative numbers will invert the source. Numbers larger than "1" will be larger than original size.
    • Example: /Webcam_1/Text_1/scale 2 this will make the size of the "Text 1" source double the size of original.
    • Note: See "Qlab OSC Examples" file for how to automate scale. Also, If a scene name or source name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a scene "Webcam 1" and a source name of "Text 1" make OSC message the example from above.)

- Translate Source's Rotation: -

/[scene_name]/[source_name]/rotate [float]

  • change the source's scale. 0 is nothing, 360 is full 360 rotation clockwise. Negative numbers will rotate counterclockwise. Numbers larger than "360" will be more roations.
    • Example: /Webcam_1/Text_1/rotate 90 this will make the rotation of the "Text 1" source 90º clockwise.
    • Note: See "Qlab OSC Examples" file for how to automate rotation. Also, If a scene name or source name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a scene "Webcam 1" and a source name of "Text 1" make OSC message the example from above.)

- Audio Controls: -



  • Mute the specified source



  • Unmute the specified source

Toggle Audio

/[source_name]/audioToggle [0 or 1]

  • Unmute and Mute the specified source by toggling


/[source_name]/volume [0 thru 1]

  • Adjust specified source's volume.
    • Example: /Audio_Input/volume 0.5 sets source "Audio_Input" audio to 50% volume

Monitor Off


  • Sets source's audio monitor type to "Monitor Off"
    • Example: /Audio_Input/monitorOff sets audio source "Audio Input" to "Monitor Off".
    • Note: This does work, but you won't see a visual change on OBS unless you close "Advaced Audio" window and reopen.

Monitor Only


  • Sets source's audio monitor type to "Monitor Only"
    • Example: /Audio_Input/monitorOnly sets audio source "Audio Input" to "Monitor Only".
    • Note: This does work, but you won't see a visual change on OBS unless you close "Advaced Audio" window and reopen.

Monitor and Output


  • Sets source's audio monitor type to "Monitor and Output"
    • Example: /Audio_Input/monitorAndOutput sets audio source "Audio Input" to "Monitor and Output".
    • Note: This does work, but you won't see a visual change on OBS unless you close "Advaced Audio" window and reopen.

- Media Controls: -



  • Play specified "Media Source"



  • Pause specified "Media Source"



  • Restart specified "Media Source"



  • Stop specified "Media Source"


/[source_name]/mediaCursor [int]

  • Sets the cursor position of specified "Media Source"

- Browser Controls: -


  • Refresh specified Browser Source in OBS

- Projector Controls: -

/[type]/openProjector [display_number] [sceneorsource_name]

  • Opens type of projector to specified display
  • [type] options:
    • StudioProgram, Multiview, Preview, Scene, Source
  • [display_number] is an integer
    • Example: 0 would be your main screen and 1 would be your secondary monitor
    • Note: If you use -1 or empty(null), then this would make a windowed projector of specified [type]
  • [sceneorsource_name] is an optional for the 2nd argument. This can ONLY be used if using Scene or Source for [type]
    • This would be the name of a Source or Scene in OBS that would open a specified projector
  • Examples:
    • /StudioProgram/openProjector 1
      • This would open a Studio Program Feed on the secondary monitor
    • /Preview/openProjector
      • This would open a Preview Feed in a windowed projector
    • /Scene/openProjector 0 "Scene 1"
      • This would open a feed from "Scene 1" on the main monitor.
    • /Multiview/openProjector -1
      • This would open a Multiview Feed to a windowed projector

- Studio Mode: -

Set StudioMode

/setStudioMode [0 or 1]

  • if argument is 1 then Studio Mode enables, if 0 it disables in OBS



  • enable Studio Mode in OBS



  • disable Studio Mode in OBS



  • toggle Studio Mode On/Off in OBS

- Trigger Preview Scenes: -

by Name in Argument

/previewScene [scene name]

  • activate a scene by name in the OSC argument.
    • Example: /previewScene Wide will activate a scene named "Wide" in the Preview in OBS.
    • In QLab you can use quotations to wrap into a single argument: /scene "Webcam 1"

by Name in Address


  • activate a scene by name in the OSC address.
    • Example: /previewScene/Wide will activate a scene named "Wide" in the Preview in OBS.
    • Note: If a scene name contains a SPACE, replace with "_", so if OBS has a scene "Webcam 1" make OSC message: /previewScene/Webcam_1

Trigger Transition to Program

/studioTransition [type(optional)] [duration(optional)]

  • activate a Transition to Program
    • Example: /studioTransition "Fade" 5000 will activate a transition of the Preview to Program with a Fade of 5 seconds.

- Streaming and Recording: -

Set Recording

/setRecording [0 or 1]

  • start recording if argument is 1 and stop if 0

Start Recording


  • start recording in OBS

Stop Recording


  • stop recording in OBS

Toggle Recording


  • toggle the start/stop recording button in OBS

Pause Recording


  • pause the recording in OBS

Resume Recording


  • resume recording in OBS

Set Streaming

/setStreaming [0 or 1]

  • start streaming if argument is 1 and stop if 0

Start Streaming


  • start streaming in OBS

Stop Streaming


  • stop streaming in OBS

Toggle Streaming


  • toggle the start/stop streaming button in OBS

Set VirtualCam

/setVirtualCam [0 or 1]

  • start VirtualCam if argument is 1 and stop if 0

Start VirtualCam


  • start VirtualCam in OBS

Stop VirtualCam


  • stop VirtualCam in OBS

Toggle VirtualCam


  • toggle the start/stop VirtualCam button in OBS

- Settings: -

Set Scene Collection

*/setSceneCollection [Scene Collection Name]

  • set the scene collection with the specified name

Set Profile

*/setProfile [Profile Name]

  • set the profile with the specified name

- NDI and Other Outputs -

List Outputs NAmes


  • Logs a list of all available outputs
  • NOTE: Use names listed for argument in start and stop commands

Start Output

/startOutput [name]

  • Example: /startOutput "NDI Main Output"
    • This will enable the "NDI Main Output" output

Stop Output

/stopOutput [name]

  • Example: /stopOutput "NDI Main Output"
    • This will disable the "NDI Main Output" output

- Miscellaneous -


/rename [current-name] [new-name]

  • rename scene or source
    • Example: /rename "Audio" "NewAudio" will change the source named "Audio" to "NewAudio"

Send Closed Captions

*/sendCC [text]

  • Send the text as embedded CEA-608 caption data
    • Example: /sendCC "Hello world." will send "Hello world." as an embedded closed caption

Set Recording File Name

*/recFileName [string]

  • sets the name of the file for when you record

Get Source Text (FreeType2) String Repeatedly

/[text source]/getTextFreetype [1]

  • Returns to the OSC Client:
    • /[text_source]/text [string]
  • NOTE: Disabling the loop is not yet implemented. Quit and reopen app to stop.
  • The loop returns every 500ms (half second)
  • ex. Possible use case would be for getting a text source that has a countdown script.

Get Source Text (GDI) String Repeatedly

/[text source]/getTextGDI [1]

  • Returns to the OSC Client:
    • /[text_source]/text [string]
  • NOTE: Disabling the loop is not yet implemented. Quit and reopen app to stop.
  • The loop returns every 500ms (half second)
  • ex. Possible use case would be for getting a text source that has a countdown script.

Set Active Scene Item Visibility by Index

-/[index]/activeSceneItemVisibility [0 or 1]

  • this uses the index of your sources to control the visibility of active scene.

Set Specific Scene Item Visibility by Index

-/[scene_name]/[index]/activeSceneItemVisibility [0 or 1]

  • this uses the index of your sources to control the visibility of a specific scene.

Take Screenshot


  • This saves a .png file of your current active scene and saves it to your Documents folder

Trigger Hotkey


  • This triggers a hotkey from your settings. Not keyboard shortcuts.
  • modifier can be shift control and/or alt (order doesn't matter). key can be lowercase or uppercase.
  • ex. /controlshift/f/hotkey

Open External File / URL

Might ask to allow "OSC for OBS" access

  • /openExternal [string]
    • this command opens local applications, files, and/or websites with file or url path
    • ex. /openExternal "https://google.com"
    • opens google in default browser
    • ex. Mac /openExternal "file:/System/Applications/Stocks.app"
    • ex. PC /openExternal "file://c:/windows/system32/calc.exe"
    • opens 'Calculator' app
    • ex. Mac /openExternal "file:/Users/joeshea/Documents/texttest1.png"
    • opens 'texttest1.png' in default viewer (like Preview)

Simulate Keypress on Front/Active Window (BETA)

(Java Run Time)[https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp] is required for this feature. After downloading and installing restart computer.

  • /keypress [string]
    • this command simulates a keypress on front window. (Use this syntax for keys)[https://github.com/garimpeiro-it/node-key-sender#list-of-key-codes]
    • ex. /keypress "space"
    • this simulates a space keypress on the active window
    • ex. /keypress "h,i"
    • this simulates a h and then an i key press to active window
    • ex. /keypress "control,s"
    • ex. this simulates a keycombo of Control + S to active window
  • Note: This feature can send multiple keypresses by using a comma ,, but using combinations of shift, control, and alt have been buggy. Please refer to (this repository for issues)[https://github.com/garimpeiro-it/node-key-sender]

**~ Editing Commands While Selected in OBS: ~**

Mainly used for TouchOSC

  • Layout file included in downloaded folder or in Assets on Github
  • Download and install TouchOSC Editor to open "Layout" and import to device
    • NodeOBS-ZoomOSC-Autocropper DEMO Video

Add Scene Item

/addSceneItem [scene_item]

  • This adds a specified "Scene Item" to the selected OBS Scene
    • Note: You can find a list of all your "Scene Items" by clicking on the toolbar:
      • Scripts > Log All Available Scene Items (Sources)

Change Transition Override Type


  • Set Transition Override Type for selected OBS Scene.
    • Note: [type] must be identical to Transition Override Type name in OBS:
    • Fade, Cut, Stinger, Fade_to_Color, Luma_Wipe, Slide, Swipe, and a Custom Named Transition. This also works with the Move plugin.
    • Example: /transOverrideType/Fade_to_Color will set the Transition Override of the selected Scene in OBS to "Fade to Color"

Change Transition Override Duration

/transOverrideDuration [duration]

  • Set Transition Override Duration for selected OBS Scene.
  • Note: Duration is in milliseconds (1000ms = 1sec)
  • Example: /transOverrideDuration 2500 will set the Transition Override duration for the selected Scene in OBS to 2.5 seconds.

Change Scale

/size [float]

  • Translate scale of selected OBS Source.
    • [float] can take a value with decimal.
      • Example: 0 is nothing, 0.5 is half the size, 1 is original full size. Negative numbers will invert the source. Numbers more than "1" will be larger than original size.

Change Position X and Y

/move [x] [y]

  • Translate X and Y position from selected OBS Source.

Change Position X

/movex [x]

  • Translate X position from selected OBS Source.

Change Position Y

/movey [y]

  • Translate Y position from selected OBS Source.

Change Alignment

/align [int]

  • Set alignment for selected source.
    • Example: /align 0 will center the selected OBS Source

    • [int] would be an integer value from this guide:

      5 4 6
      1 0 2
      9 8 10

Change Rotation

/spin [int]

  • Set rotation for selected source

Change Bounds to Fit to screen


  • Set bounds to Fit to Screen

Get Source Settings


  • Logs source properties and settings
    • Mainly used for development and debugging

OBS -> Application:

  • Configure "OSC OUT" to target Application

  • When Enabled his allows OBS to send OSC to other applications when a scene is activated.

  • To use/enable this function, change the toggle button to ON Configure the prefix and suffix for how you want your OSC application to receive an OSC string from OBS

    • Example: In OBS when a Scene named "Wide Shot" is activated, Qlab recieves an OSC message "/cue/Wide_Shot/start")

TouchOSC Feedback:

When Checked this sends OSC messages back to TouchOSC for dynamic control.

  • OSC Out IP must be the IP of the device using TouchOSC
  • OSC Out Slider must be Enabled

Active Scene Feedback

Use the following setup for /scene command for a push button in TouchOSC Editor:

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  • make sure "Local Feedback" is checked

In OSC for OBS use the following setup:

Fader Volume Feedback

Use the following setup for /[source]/volume command for a fader in TouchOSC Editor:

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Muting/UnMuting Toggle Feedback

Use the following setup for /[source]/audioToggle command for a toggle button in TouchOSC Editor:

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Media Playback Feedback


  • When a media is played in OBS the following OSC is sent /[source]/mediaPlay 1, /[source]/mediaPause 0, and /[source]/mediaStop 0


  • When a media is paused in OBS the following OSC is sent /[source]/mediaPause 1, /[source]/mediaPlay 0, and /[source]/mediaStop 0


  • When a media is stopped in OBS the following OSC is sent /[source]/mediaStop 1, /[source]/mediaPause 0, and /[source]/mediaPlay 0

Source Visibility

  • When a source visibility is changed in OBS the following OSC is sent /[scene]/[source]/visible [0 or 1]
    • (0 if off and 1 if on)


Transition Type

  • When a transition is triggered in OBS the following OSC is sent /transitionType [type]

Transition Duration

  • When a transition is triggered in OBS the following OSC is sent /transitionDuration [int]

Stats Label Feedback

When Streaming/Recording:

  • /fps
    • Returns frames per second [int] fps
  • /streaming
    • Returns 1 if stream started, 0 if stopped
  • /recording
    • Returns 1 if recording started, 0 if stopped
  • /streamTime
    • Returns elapsed stream time HH:MM:SS
  • /cpuUsage
    • Returns cpu usage [int] cpu usage
  • /freeDiskSpace
    • Returns free disk space [int] free disk space
  • /averageFrameRate
    • Returns average frame rate [int] avg frame rate
  • /memoryUsage
    • Returns memory usage [int] memory usage
  • /kbpsEncoder
    • Returns encoder data [int] kbps

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OSC Tester

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  • File > OSC Tester

  • This window can help with testing OSC commands without leaving the app

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  • If you're getting this error on Mac after you close the app make sure you drag and drop OSC for OBS from Downloads to Applications

Editing The Code Yourself

OSC for OBS is an Electron application that is powered by HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Node.js. You can access and edit any of these files by doing the following:


  • Right-click on application > Show Package Contents > Contents > Resources > app > src.
    • 'index.js' is where majority of the code is located


  • In the downloaded folder > Resources > app > src
    • 'index.js' is where majority of the code is located


This was inspired by ObSC

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