A list of papers and other resources on language-guided image editing.
- 41enthusiast
- badayvedatUdemy
- berbayrk
- CSer-Tang-haoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- czhxiaohuihuiShang hai
- dsx-aishanghai
- entalentBeijing Institute of Technology
- fly51flyPRIS
- GuangtaoLyu
- HarmanDotpyGoogle
- hitachinskUSTC
- interactivetechNYC
- jadessli
- JaryHuangzhejiang university
- JosephChenHubThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- jshi31University of Rochester
- Kihensarn
- layumiUniversity of Macau
- leonnnopZhejiang University
- neew123
- renman87Super Science Studios
- SeitaroShinagawaNara Institute of Science and Technology
- sqsssqHKUST (GZ)
- st01cs
- stanifrolov
- Sy-ZhangAmazon
- tsujuifuApple
- wali111
- winter-fish
- wtjiang98Alibaba
- xhsonny
- XrosLiang
- yhZhaiState University of New York at Buffalo
- zhangry868Adobe Research
- zqh0253