
Deep Learning / Machine Learning reading list - mainly related to NLP

Deep NLP Reading List

This serves as my own detailed roadmap and reading list/notes for studying Deep Learning and/with NLP. Each section will refer to useful materials that can help, including MOOCs, blog posts, books, lecture notes, papers, and other awesome paper lists and roadmaps.

Table of Contents

  1. Mathematical Foundations
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Deep Learning
  4. Statistical NLP
  5. Deep Learning for NLP

Mathematical Foundations


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If you are confident in these math subjects, you can just skip this part or simply take a look at some refreshers.


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The following subjects are some advanced materials that could be useful in understanding many Deep Learning theories and NLP. Particularly relevant ones are bolded.

Machine Learning

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Machine Learning without Deep Learning.

Deep Learning

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Statistical NLP

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Deep Learning for NLP

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Here I mainly organize papers I have read or plan to read. Among the ones I read, some accompany notes in a separate .md file linked.

Text Classification

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  • Abusive Language
  • Sentiment Analysis

Word Embeddings

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  • Language Modeling
  • Contextualized Word Embeddings
  • Probailistic Word Embeddings
  • Interpretable Word Embeddings

Question Answering

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  • SQuAD 1.0 Models

End-to-End Dialog

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  • Goal-oriented
    • Dialog State Tracking
    • Latent Intents
    • Knowledge Base
    • Model Architectures
    • Datasets
    • Using RL
  • Chit Chat

Neural Machine Translation

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  • Multi-linguality

Multi-task Learning

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Memory Augmented

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  • Memory Networks
  • Pointer Networks
  • Neural Turing Machines

Meta Learning

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  • MAML