
This is the repo that generates, a Static Website / Blog Hosted on github.

I was inspired by Drew Heintz’s work in generating his resume using Hugo and Sasi Peri’s blog.

Given my love of Asciidoc specifically, AsciiDoctor I found a couple of references that led me to building my site using the following technologies:

  • site

  • Hugo

  • Hugo Universal Theme

  • AsciiDoc and AsciiDoctor

  • Google Prettify for syntax highlighting

  • VS Code

  • Google Analytics Key

  • Google Map Key

  • Email with Formspree

  • Disque for comments

Basic Setup

  1. Have Github account

  2. Install AsciiDoctor

  3. Install Hugo

  4. Generate New Hugo Site

  5. Install Hugo Universal Theme and Tweak

Everyday Usage

  • hugo server -D Good for local dev site http://localhost:1313 - includes draft items otherwise; hugo server

  • hugo generates site to the public directory

  • publish to github with

  • Basic git commands to push this source repo