
A Github pull request monitoring tool for Mac and Linux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pullp pullp ci badge

Pullp is a tool to help you manage pull requests and reviews on your Github repositories, available for Mac and Linux.

An interactive dashboard shows all the open pull requests for your chosen repositories and highlights where your review has been requested. This information syncs with Github every minute!

pullp example

Want to find out more about the pull requests on a particular repository? Selecting a repository shows a full summary of each pull request, including all of the requested reviewers and submitted reviews. If you need to action anything, a click will take you directly to the pull request in Github.

pullp example

Pullp is an Electron application built with React.

Getting Started

  • Download and install the latest release.
  • Open the app
  • Follow the on screen instructions to sign in with Github
  • Select the repositories you want to monitor with Pullp (you are able to choose from all the ones that you watch on Github
  • Click Monitor to go to the dashboard screen.
  • Pullp will refresh the dashboard every minute!


Q: Why does my repository only show a maximum of 50 open pull requests?

A: Github applies a cost in points to each request Pullp makes for data. Each hour you are permitted to spend 5000 points. By restricting the maximum pull requests to 50, the cost of each request is manageable. This means Pullp can make more frequent requests, giving you a more "near-time" experience. Allowing this maximum limit to be configurable by the user could be a feature in the future.

Q: I am seeing an error saying The amount of pull request data for your selected repositories exceeds Github's maximum limit.

A: Github places a limit on the maximum number of data nodes that can be returned from a single request. This limit may be breached if you have selected a large number of repositories that have many pull requests. The only solution to this currently is to select fewer repositories.

Q: Can I access the console/Chrome dev tools inside the app?

A: Yes! Just use the normal Chrome shortcut to open them, e.g. cmd + opt + i on Mac. React and Redux dev tools are not available in the production app, but are enabled if you are running the app in the dev environment.

Q: I can't see my repository on the Select screen.

A: Make sure you are watching the repository in Github, otherwise it won't appear on the select screen.

Developer Instructions

Running dev environment

After npm install, run npm start to start the webpack dev server. Once running, run npm run electron-dev to open the app.

React and Redux dev tools will be available inside the Chrome dev tools.

Running the oAuth server

Pullp uses an external auth server to complete Github sign in and receive a code for the Github API. You may want to host a local version of this server. Clone it from https://github.com/rkclark/pullp-oauth-gatekeeper, run it on the port of your choosing and then add the server URL to REACT_APP_OAUTH_GATEKEEPER_URL in the /env/.env.development file inside of Pullp.

Your oauth server will need set of Github oAuth app credentials. To make these:

  • In Github, go to your settings
  • Go to Developer Settings, select oAuth Apps (usually selected by default)
  • Click New oAuth App
  • Give the app a name, this will be seen when/if your app requests access to any organisations that you are a part of. I suggest pullp!
  • Set the homepage to whatever you like
  • The authorization callback URL is not actually used by Pullp, I'd suggest just setting it to http://localhost:3001/auth/github/callback
  • Click to register the app
  • Make a note of the client ID and client secret that you are shown on the next screen

Once you have the credentials, create a new .env file in the server project root and add them as


Running the tests

Run npm test.

Other developer scripts

  • npm run serve: Run a server that hosts the production files
  • npm run react-build: Build the React/CSS production files
  • npm run style: Run the linter report
  • npm run style-fix: Fix all auto-fixable lint errors
  • npm run precommit: Runs the linter and test suite - used by Husky whenever a git commit is created
  • npm run electron: Runs electron against the built production files,
  • npm run pack: Packages distributable for the current OS and leaves unpackaged files available for inspection for debugging
  • npm run dist: Builds the production files and then packages them into a distributable for the current OS
  • npm run ship: Builds the production files, packages them for the current OS, and then pushes them to a draft Github release on the Pullp repository. For this to work, you must have the relevant access rights on the Pullp repository. In addition, you must create a personal token on Github and add it as GH_TOKEN=**YOURTOKEN** in a new file electron-builder.env in the project root. See electron-builder.example.env for an example.